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"I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero."



My eyes snapped open in alert when I felt a sharp sting from my cheek.

Mia was bent down infront of me, her face crumpled into a worried frown, still she looks beautiful. Her brown orbs were wide but a bit droopy with fatigue of driving for a long time.

I have fully realized that the car is parked in a gasoline station and a mini store that has a decaying roof. I could see the bored looking Asian guy, behind the cashier counter top, a newspaper perched on his hands to keep him from losing his mind being alone in a deserted place. There were no house nearby, no people, just trees. I can see an incoming car from the horizon but the place looks eerily empty.

".. Are you even listening to what I'm saying? Sam, if this is some kind of prank, I will not hesitate in running you over repeatedly with my car." Mia threatened, not daring to hide the fear in her tone as she speak. She's now sitting at the small portion of the seat left and almost seated at my lap. "Sam?"

"I'm alright. What-What happened? Where are we?" I stuttered, smiling nervously but my eyes cant keep themselves from staring at her body. Damn.

Mia grimaced, looking around the area. "My bladder was about to explode and all of sudden you were saying my name and believe me, it freaked me out. I thought you were having a– I don't know– mental breakdown, nightmares or something. Are you sure you're alright? What was it?"

I shook my head, waving it off. "It's nothing. Are you done with everything else you're supposed to do?"

Mia nodded, smiling. "Yes. I asked the cashier, Larry, if he has any information about the warehouse at the other side of town. Apparently, the warehouse is being looked after a middle-aged man named Oliver King. The warehouse is 20 minutes away but if we drive and break the speed limit,, we get there in 15, maybe 10. I'll be taking the wheel and let the real drag racer take care of everything so you hold on tight, princess. Is there anything that you need inside that rotting store so we could proceed to our destination?"

We're minutes away from the exact warehouse Mia saw in her vision.

We're so close to finding out.

I can't help but feel elated to finally have something to achieve in this whole mess.

"I say we go to the warehouse and check it." I declare, grinning which she returned. My heart fluttered and about to erupt with fondness.

Our journey to the warehouse was pretty damn quick.

The windows were opened as she broke the speed limit and hollered in joy, the wind blowing her hair back. I expect the cops to star following us and demand us to stop but the advantages of being at the isolated area of Chicago is being free to break the speed limit.

The warehouse was stood firmly at the middle of the field with daisies surrounding the area. A white sleek car is parked at the side of the road along with another 4 of them.

I glanced at Mia and saw that she's twiddling her fingers anxiously, her eyes staring sharply at the warehouse, biting her lip in the process.

I take her hand and gave it a massaged until they eased and relaxed against mine. She gave me a polite smile, a smile that thanks me for being there and although she thinks I'm doing this in a sisterly way, I brush it off, letting it go.

We both stepped out of the car, the tension in the air was so thick, it could smother newborn babies. The warehouse looked like it was recently renovated and the exterior looked like it was painted that makes it look good as new.

Mia went to the trunk in the middle of putting on her thick leather jacket that hides her curves. She started tucking three guns on her skirt, knives slipped on her jacket pocket and knee high socks, bobby pins and small sharp objects expertly tucked in her bra.

All I had with me were three guns that are fully loaded, a flask of holy water, Ruby's blade and the demon blade whilst she has the angel blade.

We made our way to the warehouse, acting like a normal couple investing. By the front of the warehouse, I see a young man with buzz hair and striking brown eyes. He looks like he's at the same age with me, or maybe a few years younger.

He smiled at us, "I'm Oliver King, what can I do for you?"

Mia examined the front, smiling. "I was wondering if we could take a look. My husband and I were looking all over the country for such a wonderful warehouse that we could renovate and maybe change it into a some sort of a place to stay for our dear workers while they work on the building they're ordered to build somewhere near. Would that be alright?"

But his eyes momentarily changed into pitch black. The end of his lips tugging upwards to form a sinister smile.

 The end of his lips tugging upwards to form a sinister smile

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"It's nice to see you Mia Greco and Sam Winchester. Before you get in, you have to get past through us." The demon snarled.

The door to the warehouse flew open, demons emerging and standing behind the possessed Oliver King with a hungry smile.  

There was at least an army of them I front of us. Waiting for the go signal to tear us into pieces.

Holy shit.

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