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"We, humans, think that love, and only love, can heal our brokenness..."


Dean chugged down his fourth beer for the night. He watched the strippers twirl on their own poles, touching their sensitive area to cause the male crowd to holler and hurl their money on the stage. His eyes were bloodshot with exhaustion, and sleepiness. The cold metallic taste makes him woozy but that doesn't matter. He needed a distraction. A distraction to block out the pain.

The erotic dancer beside the stripper infront of Dean wearing a black see-through matching bra and panties spreads her legs as far as they could and gave Dean a seductive look, giving him a wink. Her hair is dyed with teal and purple, her eyes coated with thick mascara and eyeliner that makes her gaze sharp.

But not sharper than Mia's, Dean thought.

After the revelation of her and Cole's past, they went back to the motel in silence. Sam was playing Solitaire and immediately covered it up with a bunch of Goggle Chrome tabs. Mia acted normal, talking to Sam and cracking jokes but you can see through that disguise that she's still dazed with Cole. When the sun was finally down, she bolted out of the door and hotwired a car to go somewhere. The Winchesters were worried but Dean knows where she's off to. He told Sammy.

Sam was shocked at the news. But not in a bad way. He decided to hunt Crowley to hunt Pestilence which will definitely make him stay up for the night until dawn. As one would expect, Dean didn't let him borrow his car so Sam had to hotwire a car nearby.

Dean absentmindedly emptied his fifth beer, running a hand on his hair once again in distress and checking his phone if there are messages from her. Of course, there were none. He clenched is jaw so hard and angrily shoved his phone back to his pocket. He wanted to know what's happening between Cole and Mia. He is aware that Mia wouldn't just wrap herself around Cole's finger just because he's Axel's biological father.

She has a fiancé.

She has Dean.

And now, she has Cole.

He drank another beer, then another until he can no longer take the pounding headache and staggered slightly outside the strip club. He can see her face when he closes his eyes. He can smell her scent when he inhales. He must be going insane.

He felt so stupid. So, so, so stupid.

The door opens and closes, indicating a person went out of the club. He ignored it and continued to make his way on his car. He felt arms wrapped themselves on his chest, pulling him close. The scent of lavender penetrating his nose.

"You look like you need a companion, you look so unhappy back there." A lady purred on his ear, her teeth grazing his earlobe at the process.

He wasn't turned on but he pretended to be. He had to.

He faced the lady who was the dancer who kept her eyes on him as she slowly chip away her dignity. Her eyes are gray, not brown like Mia's. He smirked, his eyes barely opened. "Yeah. Needed a distraction."

The lady smiled, her finger tracing circles on his arm. "Can I be the distraction?"

Dean didn't answer. Instead, he harshly dove her head forward and slammed his lips on hers. Her mouth tastes with cherry and cheap scotch. Her almost gagged at the feeling of her rough tongue molding with his. Dean pulled her close until their front pressed into each other, he pulled her hair back, not caring if she moan in pain. If she wanted to be his distraction then she gotta pull herself together.

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