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"Demons run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall and drown the sun when a good man goes to war. Friendship dies and true love lies. Night will fall and the dark will rise when a good man goes to war."


"An unexpected storm wiped out Chicago, Illinois last night and took hundreds of lives. Vigils have been occurring all over the world for their loss. The storm was soon followed by a 9.4 earthquake and the town is still experiencing aftershocks so please evacuate immediately to the nearest safest place you know. Please stay tuned for more news."

Bobby frowned at the radio and he promptly clicked the power button, allowing the silence to engulf them freely. Castiel looked ahead, his face scrunched in concentration as he watched an old woman cross the street as she run after a malnourished kitten.

Castiel broke the silence. "Bobby, it's starting."

Bobby rolled his eyes but nodded grimly, he said gruffly, "I know, Cas, you've told me that last night already."

Castiel shrugged, his face falling. "I know. The funny thing is I'm afraid. Especially for Sam. He's a good guy and he doesn't deserve to suffer in Hell. I just.. I.. I wish that I could've saved him from this."

"I know, Cas. It's not your fault. It's no one's fault. We just gotta.... wait. Dean's probably there by now, are the Molotov cocktail ready?" Bobby changes the subject, no longer wanting to be pessimistic.

Castiel nodded, raising the bags full of goods just in case. He looks at the time and spoke, "We should go there now. Dean needs our help."

Then, with a blink of an eye, they teleported to the location where the most awaited battle will transpire.

Castiel and Bobby materialized just in time to use the Molotov cocktail to Michael. He screams as his vessel's body was engulfed with flames.

Dean gave him an amused and smug look, "Ass-butt?"

Castiel nodded, "He'll be back – and upset – but you got your five minutes."

Lucifer, on the other hand, was not amused. He glared at Castiel, taking a menacing step. "Did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?"

Castiel gulped audibly, he shook his head vigorously. "Uh... no?"

Lucifer scowled, cracking his neck to intimidate him more. He was pulsating with anger. No matter how strong his dislike to his righteous brother, he's the only one allowed to touch him. He spoke through gritted teeth, "No one dicks with Michael but me."

Bobby almost let out a girly shriek when Lucifer snaps his fingers and Castiel explodes in chunks of meat and bursts of blood. Dean watched with anguish as he stared at Castiel's remains which is almost unnoticeable at the grass. There's no room for grief. Not right now. He knew what he had to do.

"Sammy, can you hear me?"

Lucifer turned to him in annoyance, "You know, I tried to be nice for Sammy's sake. But you.. are such a pain in my ass." He tosses Dean into the windshielf of the Impala, unaffected with the fact that Sammy's scratching violently inside to come out and talk to his brother.

Bobby shot Lucifer in the back with his emergency handgun and shot him once again in the chest when he turned to look at him, Lucifer smirked eagerly. With a flick of his hand, Bobby's head snaps audibly, his lifeless body limply falling unto the floor.

"No." Dean grunted, feeling his back groaning in pain as he tried to push himself off of his baby.

Lucifer smirked widely, nodding his head. "Oh, yes." He pulls Dean's legs and heaved him down on the dirty grassland of the graveyard. He didn't let him recover and instead punched him hard on the face. Dean falls back against the Impala, spitting blood from his mouth without breaking the eye contact with the eyes of his brother. Nevertheless, he asked if Sammy's there.

"Oh, he's in there, all right." Punch. "And, he's gonna feel the snap of your bones." Punch. "Every. Single. One." He picks him up effortlessly, "We're gonna take our time." Lucifer went on and one in punching Dean, feeling no pity as the eyes of the brother of his vessel were swollen and bleeding that you can barely even tell if he's blinking.

Dean fisted his brother's jacket, "Sam, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you." Lucifer punched him again and again. "I'm not gonna leave you."

Lucifer sees the little green army man stuck in the ashtray through the window, and something seemed to be happening. His eyes softened, his grip on Dean loosened, his balled up fists unclenches. Dean recognizes the look in his eyes and saw that somebody's home and it's not Lucifer.

Sam lets go of Dean, his eyes glossing with tears and his lip trembles slightly. "It's okay, Dean. It's gonna be okay. I've got him." He pulls out the attached Horsemen's rings and hurls them to the ground. "Bvtmon tabges babalon."

The ground sunk deeper until it formed into a black hole. The Winchesters look at each other as the hole widens and Sam took a deep breath.

Just as he was about to leap right into the hole, Michael emerged a few feet behind him. "Sam! It's not gonna end this way! Step back!"

"You're gonna have to make me!"

Michael shook his head, "I have to fight my brother, Sam! Here and now! It's my destiny!"

Sam looked down at his brother, tears brimming them and inside his head, he tells everything he wants to tell him but he knows he doesn't have much time before Lucifer takes over.

You impertinent maggot! You're going to regret this. Lucifer screams in his mind.

Sam spreads his arms wide on his sides, closes his eyes and lets himself fall backwards towards the hole. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion and Michael lunges forward and reached for the hem of Sam's jacket.

An invisible force prevented the both of them from plunging down to Lucifer's cage. Sam opened his eyes in confusion and so did Michael. A voice erupted nearby, chanting the incantation perfectly.

"Chdr bvtmon."

In an instant, the door to Lucifer's cage roughly closes and left Sam and Michael to deal with the pain of plummeting down to the grass, the invisible force dissolving.

"No..." Sam whispered, he opens his eyes to see the afternoon sky. He should've been already in Hell. There should've been chunks of meat hanging from hooks, the smell of burning flesh never leaving his nose. Unless Hell is renovated..

"What the..."

Sam's eyes travelled upwards to see a woman clad in a white, elegant, gown with diamonds on it. The gown fits her body well, the ends of her gown cascading around the grass, the wind blowing it. Several expensive looking rings clung to her fingers, gleaming gold earrings pierced on her ears. Her hair was left down in all its glory, unaffected by the wind. A Golden Pheasant sat on her shoulder, staring intensely at Sam. She stared down at them with satisfaction, she opened her mouth to speak, her eyes trained to Sam. "Lucifer, leave."

Sam felt something inside him stirring and his eyes widened as he realized Lucifer coming home. All of a sudden, he seemed to be watching the world at the end of the tunnel, seeing it unclearly. Lucifer obliged quietly, teleporting back to Detroit.

Michael, however, stared up at her in shock and awe. He opened his mouth to produce words but only came a croaking sound that reminds him of frogs. She smiled at him fondly, "Michael, give us a moment to talk. I'll contact you later."

"Do you have my number? I don't think you have." Michael started to fish out his smartphone.

"Of course I have." She answered, "I took it from Balthazar. Bumped into that bloke on my way here. Now, go. Do as I say."

Michael nodded with a silly grin, he was gone in a snap and Dean cannot believe the male archangel has the guts to take orders other than God himself.

Mia smiled at him, "Hello, Dean."

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