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I yawned loudly, trying so hard to kick out the drowsiness on my system. I've been scrolling on the Internet for hours, trying to find this girl Gabriel told us about. Several weeks have passed and still, no signs from her. Lucifer has been wreaking havoc while Cas is MIA.

Suddenly, a flap of wings startled me, my gun cocking as I pointed it to the person behind me. Castiel sat there, looking at my gun then to my eyes with a slight hint of confusion. "Did I scare you that much?" 

"You've been gone for weeks, Cas. The world is a minute away from complete destruction, what do you expect?" I snapped, rubbing my temples and sighing. 

He paused. "Well, I've got news." 

"Enlighten me." 

"I've been searching for this girl and some people from Ohio told me that they saw her three days ago. Apparently, this girl likes to move all around places. But, I didn't get the name, if you're still interested on finding out since you know." Castiel ranted. 

I nodded, slowly digesting the new information before realizing that Cass thinks that i like the girl. I snapped my head back into his direction and glared, "Well, I'm only interested on her name because she can help us keep the world from being crushed by damn Lucifer. Nothing more, Cass." I paused, knowing that part of me was lying. Maybe I was interested on her but that doesn't mean I'm declaring my love for her. Not gonna happen. 

"Whatever.. you say, Dean" Castiel grinned, staring at me mischievously. I rolled my eyes before reaching for the folder Gabriel gave us, I pulled out her pictures and observed the aspects of her appearance. She's got golden blonde hair cascading down on her back. Her lips were thin and pink, formed into a dashing smile. Her brown eyes were looking back at the camera intensely, her pupils dilated.

Castiel cleared his throat. "You're staring, Dean." I huffed, throwing the folder to his lap before shutting my laptop. I stood up to get a beer from Bobby's refrigerator and chugged the half of it down. 

I noticed Cass frowning on the picture, tilting his head on the side like a pup and mumbling things. I nudged him with my elbow, "Guess who's staring now." I smirked, waiting for his contradiction but nothing came.

He continued to inspect the photos until he got tired of it and dropped it on the table. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed. "I cant seem to remember her but I think I've seen her before. I just.. don't know where and how." 

"Maybe a magazine from Casa Erotica?" I suggested, giving him a cocky smile. He stared at me for a very long time, "What's a Casa Erotica?"

My smile dropped instantly, giving him a bewildered look. "You mean, you haven't-- you've got to be kidding me!" I slapped my knee in shock, "You've been on earth for a year or so, how come you haven't read a Casa Erotica magazine?! That's just-- wrong!!" 

The angel raised his brows with a sheepish smile, "I've never been aroused, Dean. I'm an angel, I don't know how those things work." 

"I can hear the both of you, y'know!" Bobby shouted sleepily, completely agitated.

"Sorry, Bobby!" Cass apologized. 

His face went serious real quick. "Dean, I want you to be careful. We don't know who she is yet but don't trust her just yet. I can feel something off with this girl and I will find out." 

Then in a blink of an eye, he was gone.

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