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Mia comes back to the room where Mary and Dean was located with her third cigarette perched on her lips.
  Mary was crying silently and Dean was in the middle of explaining, "...November 2nd, 1983. Remember that date. And whatever you do, do not go in there. You wake up that morning and you take Sam and you run."
  Mia halted and watched the both of them, Sam shows up on the doorway beside her. "That's not good enough, Dean. Wherever she goes, the demon's gonna find her. Find me."
  "Well, then what?" Dean says exasperatedly.
  An imaginary light bulb lit up above Sam's head. "She can leave Dad. That's what. You got to leave John."
  "When this is all over, walk away and never look back." Sam says with his voice shaking. Dean nodded glumly, "So we're never born. He's right."
  Mary shook her head, stuttering. "I-I can't. You're saying that you're my children, and now you're saying-"
  Dean interrupted her quite rudely, "You have no other choice. There's a big difference between dying and never being born. And trust me, we're okay with it. I promise you that."
  Mary tell them that's she's not okay with the whole idea and the brothers convinces her once again and Mia can clearly see Mary getting frustrated and emotional so she barges in on their family conversation.
  "No. Can you not see her refusing with the whole thing? It's useless.. She's already pregnant." Mia looks down, sucking in the nicotine at the cigarette and letting the cancer substance fill in her body system.
  Sam and Dean stayed quiet, knowing that it's too late and there's nothing they could do to stop everything from happening. John comes in.

  "Hey, we got a problem. Those blood things, the sigils- they're gone." John gushes, panicking mildly.
  Sam was alarmed. "Gone as in..."
  "I drew one on the back of the door and I turned around and when I looked back again, it was a smudge." John explains.
  Dean walks past them and went to the room John was in earlier, Mary bends down to check if the oil circle is still there.
  "There's no more holy oil."
  An ear splitting noise rang, it was an angel's voice. Everyone covers their ears and protected their head with their arms as the light bulbs and windows started shattering, the shards flying everywhere. The room was covered with darkness, the angel stopped talking.
  "Is everyone alright?" Mia asks hoarsely, staying still. She received responses of 'yes' with their voice small and quiet.
  The door burst open, hurling at the other side of the room. They all stepped aside, staring at the person, the sound of an angel's wings startled them.
  "Who the hell are you?" Dean asks bravely, glaring his intense green eyes at the angel.
  "I'm Uriel." He responses, his voice making their skins crawl.
  Dean backs away, "Oh, come on." Sam urges them to go but only to see Anna blocking their exit. Dean attacks Uriel whilst Sam makes an attempt to kill Anna. Mia drags Mary and John to the other room to keep them safe but John picks up the knife Sam dropped.
  Anna throws John out of the window and he landed into the backyard of the Campbell house.
  "John!" Mary screeches.
  Sam had taken the possession of the angel blade but Anna telepathically picks up a sharp object on the wall beside Sam, stabbing him on the heart. Sam immediately bleeds, dropping unto the ground and letting go of the knife.
  "Sam!" Mia screams horrifyingly, running across the room to get to Sam but suddenly she felt something stir inside her. She falls unto the floor, clawing at the floor. Her heart pumped speedily, every beat hurts and something coursed through her veins. She cries out in pain as she feels the hot liquid fill her whole system, her inside felt like it was on fire and a thunder rumbles nearby.
  Sam drops dead on the floor, blood seeping out of his wounds and to the floor. Dean saw his brother's lifeless body on the floor, "Sammy!"
  Mia remained lying on the floor, her body convulsing and whimpers coming out of her mouth. Her eyes was clamped shut, every vein on her body was prominent and looked like it was about to pop any second.
  "I'm really sorry." Anna turns to Mary with no emotion.
  Dean crouched down next to Mia, shaking her shoulders. He drew his hand back when his hand felt like it was electrocuted and burnt at the same time.
  Footsteps thudded heavily on the floor board, the new comer speaks with a deep voice. "Anna."
  Anna's body went rigid, she turns around with fear swirling on her eyes. "Michael."
  The archangel puts a hand on Anna's shoulder and she bursts into flames, screaming before turning to dust.
  Uriel bows his head in shame, "Michael.. I didn't know."

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