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"Archangels are fierce. They're absolute. They're Heaven's most terrifying weapon."


Michael stopped walking and pivoted, his eyebrows shooting upwards when he come face to face with the brother he didn't expected to see again, especially back to Heaven. He heard he was killed by Lucifer weeks ago. His mind involuntarily reeled back to the look on her face, the hatred directed to him when he refused to listen to her.

"... you, of all people, should be the one to keep us from harm. You, of all people, should be the first one to defy Father's command that involves us being in danger!"

"... don't you ever ask for my forgiveness because you and I both know you won't be getting one."

Her words haunted his mind for years. The deep and gnawing guilt stowed in his gut, not even the ancient spell and powerful powers could erase. For the past centuries, he mourned for her death. He wished to go back in time and reconsider her suggestion and for once, actually meditate and question what he really want and if he genuinely want to do the task in hand. He wished to tell her everything. He wished to go back in time and never leave her side when their youth started to wilt and their responsibilities grew and weighed down on them, keeping them apart and Lucifer taking his place. Through the years, he watched his brothers and sisters together, happily flying in the air with no worries. They both flew together in glee while he watched achingly. His wings itched to come out and fly with them again, the sensation of the air whipping his hair and face and his body floating like a feather. Like he weighed nothing.

Gabriel's angry eyes pulled him back to the present and he spoke, "Gabriel. I've gotta say, I'm surprised to see you here. I was told you were dead in the hands of Lucifer and if you were to go back from the dead, Heaven is the last place you'll go."

Gabriel glared at him, lowering his voice menacingly. "You've got a long explanation to do, brother." He snapped his fingers and took them to a meeting room somewhere in Heaven. The new and improved Heaven. "For your information, it was Haniel who set up the cloning spell and made Lucifer believe he actually killed me."

Michael's expression went sombre at the mention of Haniel. He folded his hands in front of him and inquired, "Huh. There's been a lot of people going back from the dead, don't you think?"

"You tell me." Gabriel huffed.

"I don't know what you're trying to say, brother. I am as shocked as you are now." Michael lied smoothly, looking at his brother straight in the eyes as he did. He's been an expert in lying. Even angels can comfort you with a lie, even with "I love you's."

Gabriel kept going. "Haniel showed up in my place with her child in her arms. Bloodied and torn. Eyes filled with shame and fear. Murdered three people."

Relief washed over Michael when he heard that his sister is safe and alive. She had been eerily quiet these past few days and almost everyone assumed she's dead. Overreacting, I know. His relief was soon replaced with guilt and he bit down on the inside of his cheek. He opened his mouth but no words come out. He didn't know what to say. What he's supposed to say. What he wanted to say.

"How about you drop your bullshit and tell me the truth, brother? After all, you've always been the sincerest one." Gabriel gave him an over forced grin.

Michael stared at him for a very long time before he clenched his jaw and diverted his gaze from his brother. He took in a deep breath before speaking, "It was year 1981. Father summoned me and sent me into a mission to find the first born sorceress. I had no knowledge why He wanted me convey her to Him and I pay no heed to it. Being the good son I am, I opted to do what I am asked and find her. Though being the first Seraph ever created, it was difficult to hunt her down, must I admit. She claimed to have taken her dexterities from Haniel before the war and was commanded to steer clear of us and hide for eternity unless she's called. Haniel didn't want Father to find out but He sees everything. 1982, I found her and brought her to Him. She introduced herself as Lucinda." Michael began.

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