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"Chaos is an angel who fell inlove with a demon."


I scream as the sword slices my forearm open. Human blood pools on the stone floors. I pull my arm violently from the chains clasped firmly on my wrists. My knees hurt from kneeling for days.

"This is what you get for taking Lucifer with you on Earth. You were obligated to keep the information about the tree all to yourself but you told Lucifer and now, look what happened! Evil surfaces the human world. Father was disappointed but He gave you mercy. You better feel lucky, He didn't cast you out of Heaven like Lucifer." The almighty cherub, Nicolai, snarled.

Nicolai suggested to Father to be the angel to cause me severe pain. He agreed to let the other cherub, Alexander, to take his place on being the prime cherub in Eden for a short matter of time.

I spit on his face. I never liked Nicolai, especially his self-confidence and self-righteousness. For him, Angels are supposed to be perfect and flawless. We must not commit any mistakes. "You can torture me for days, years, centuries, Nicolai. Slice my skin open all you want, but it is finished. There's nothing we can do about it. We must find Lucifer before he does further damage. You're only a cherub, Nicolai. You are only made to protect the Garden of Eden. So, who are you to tell me what's wrong and what's right? Have you forgotten who I am?"

He is enraged. "You bloody conceited, self-centered scum! You think that's what this is all about?! I have no interest in who you are. You are nothing but a useless pathetic piece of--"

I smirked in amusement to annoy him. "Go on, Nicolai. We can have all day with you declaring your angel issues, i am not going to interrupt."

"You--!" The blade in his hand comes closer to my throat, ready to slit it open when a resounding voice stopped him from doing anything. "That is enough, Nicolai."

Michael emerged from the shadows outside the dungeon. His eyes held so much intensity as he stare at me, his eyes shining cobalt blue. Nicolai steps back and bows his head slightly, "As you wish, Michael." Then he turns to me, "We are not yet finished."

"Well, it is, for me." I snapped, rolling my eyes and clenching my jaw. My clothes are stripped away from me, leaving me in my white simple bandage dress. An infuriated Nicolai left my dungeon and went to Father-knows-where. I avoided Michael's scrutinizing look, "What are you doing here, Michael? Are you going to substitute Nicolai?"

Michael's hand hovered above my deep wounds, the white light coming from his hand and the small ring, my open skin knitting together slowly until it fades.

Apparently, my powers are useless due to the fact that I'm on lockdown and practically watched by angel guards. I am too week to heal myself.

With one look of Michael at the chains, they clink and fell down on the floor, shattered into pieces. Michael kneeled down before me and wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. I croaked out, "You need to stop saving me, Michael."

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