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"There are poems growing inside of me, poems full of sadness and rage. If I ever attempted to write them down, they would burn right through the page."


A laugh came from the room Gabriel was in. "No, you dolt! Do it properly-- Stop raising your hand, you're too obvious--No! What are you doing? I'll show you. -- Stop, stop-Stop!" A sound of electricity was heard inside and Lucifer cursing, followed by the sound of objects being knocked over at the same time. I can imagine Gabe making a mess inside and Lucifer desperately trying to reach the corner of the room.

Michael lets out a humorous laugh, approaching the door and opening it. Lucifer immediately stumbles out of the room and gripped Michael for dear life. "Somebody stop him!" I entered the room only to see Gabriel unable to control his powers. He was racing around his room, shrieking. I tilted my head to the side and he stopped, his body looks like it was fastened. "Gabe, what have you done? Lucifer's pissing on his pants."

Slowly, he managed to get a grip and stop it. He grinned at Lucifer, "Think you might wanna change your garments."

"Oh please, bro, your head is getting huge, knock it off." Lucifer huffs, crossing his arms and turning his head away in a dramatic away. I saw Raphael from the distance and I yelled for him to join us.

He sulkily came over with a frown, I asks. "Oh, what happened?"

"This new 'Cowstiel' has been dissing me lately, Goodness Gracious, I want to decapitate --" Raphael complains, pronouncing his name wrong.

"It's Castiel, you nincompoop. Now, hold your horses, big guy, we've got a room to clean." I joked. We chuckled and cleaned up the mess Gabriel created, him and Raphael bantering about who owns the honey drink from the jar. They started fighting over the jar, pulling until the jar came flying outside the room, dousing someone.

Ezekiel faced us with his eyes narrowed, honey dripping down on his face, he advanced towards Raphael and Gabriel and tackling them to the floor, poking their sides which caused the both of them to laugh.

"What do you think we should call it? Poking?" Lucifer hums, watching amusedly at them and I know he wants to join the trio's little happy world.

Michael puts a hand on his shoulder, "We should call it... Tickling."

"Hmm, I like it. You're not so bad, Mickey." I comment, leaning my head on his shoulder. Feeling my nerves calm as I watch them have a good time. And witnessing it was enough to make me happy.

x x x

The dream, for some reason, made her smile. She didn't sat up like an electrocuted person with sweat dripping down on her forehead. She felt serene. Yes, she's had a few visions of happy memories but this is different. It felt so real.

She happily stand up from the bed and made a beeline to the bathroom to take a shower. Throughout her bath, she hummed a familiar lullaby from her vision three weeks ago. The archangel Gabriel from her vision was humming a lullaby to her.

Not directly to her but the person having the memory.

She wore a sleeveless cream top and black high-waist jeans. She turns on the radio and it blasted "Highway To Hell."

Sam was the first one to wake up with a groan, he rolled off the bed and stretched his limbs. He turned off the radio and gave her a sleepy smile. "You're early. I suppose there are no nightmares last night?"

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