Chapter:1 Broken shards

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Thank you for reading , and hope you enjoy the drama filled journey ahead!
Ps. I apologise for all and any grammatical errors as this I have not edited any of my work and won't until I have completed the novel entirely , but I apologise for my faults as autocorrect is my enemy throughout the book.
Keep reading , and enjoy the journey ahead!
Lots of love Kitty XXX
Chapter:1 Broken shards
(Alexia's P.O.V. )

That's all that I see In front of my eyes as I pick up the broken shards of mothers (Ava) most prized vase inside her and fathers (Troys) tiny dirty new house that we have just moved into today in South Carolina. I pick up all the shards quickly with my bare hands ignoring the blood flowing from my hands, which wouldn't stop shaking at the thought of mother coming home any minute now and realising her most prized vase was missing. Maybe I could hide it.

I immediately slump into myself at the thought swallowing thickly as I knew I couldn't hide anything , that I had no privacy no nothing. It has always been that way though. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear one of my three little brothers , East, the eldest shift behind me little sniffles coming from him. I felt my heart clench at the very sound and quickly put all the vase shards under my dirty torn mattress and quickly picked up 6 yr old East, hugging him close to me rubbing his back comfortingly.

" Ssshhh, it's okay East, I promise baby. You're not in trouble. It's just an accident, and accidents happen little guy."

I whispered softly into his ear but inwardly grimaced at my last words before pushing the thought away instantly , and instead wiping his tears away as my became heart heavy with pain at seeing my little East so sad and upset. East sniffles once more and his big , innocent dark green eyes met mine full of tears still but not crying anymore.

" Wou pwomise Alex? "

East asked me holding out his tiny pinky finger to me his big dark green eyes looking up at me . I smile weakly at him and hold out my small thin pinky next to his and lock it gently .

" I promise East."

I whisper softly and his face lights up instantly and a grin comes across his happy face. I just held him close to me trying to savour in one of the few very rare and only peaceful moments before suddenly it's ruined as soon as it came as my last two baby twin brothers came flying into my bedroom. Sam and hunter. I feel a protective but fearful feeling in the put of my stomach as I spot Sam's familiar four year old self with messed up chestnut brown hair , and wide panicked hazel eyes . Sam's elder twin brother Hunter, is next to him as well his short Chesnut hair out of place and his unique aqua green eyes filled with a tiny bit of fear. I feel my whole tiny , and really weak and thin body go rigid as my heart just felt as if it sank and a familiar cold feeling brushed over me. I quickly put down East who looked confused and quickly grab all their tiny hands and lead them to the small basement area that is under my mattress in the new room .

" Okay munchkins , time to play hide and seek again okay? I'll count again , but remember the rules don't ever come out until I come to find you please. "

I whisper to them quickly and they quickly do as they are told but I can still feel their confusion every time this happens, everything I hide them away to safety. Once they are all in safe I quickly kiss them all on the head promising I'll be back for them. Suddenly tears fill Easts eyes as he looks towards me a scared worried look on his face.

Broken by kittykat92002Where stories live. Discover now