Chapter:10 Broken

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Chapter:10 Broken
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )

After I had ran away from the three if their prying eyes , and away from everyone before they could find out the truth behind my lies. Another part me ran because I didn't want to see the disgusted look on their faces or disappointment on Mr. Greys face when they find out I lied straight to them.

I had picked up all of my brothers , finally relaxing and sighing in relief and comfort when I had them all with me and in my sight again , when I had both my twins clinging to me again. I told them I had work tonight , and I applied for a waitressing job at a new local diner that just opened , which used to be a run down church. I started work soon and I had the uniform at the house , but I needed to spend some time with my brothers first , before I went anywhere. I needed them . So I took us all for a walk through the forest and back into our clearing with the meadow where we had gone only yesterday. I had East on my lap head in my neck and his hand idly playing and petting my hair like normal , and I released against his familiar comforting touch , revelling in the feeling while I could.

My two twins were both stuck to my sides and were talking happily , about their days but I saw sadness in their eyes and I knew they hadn't liked it as much as staying with family. That they hadn't liked leaving me as they both told me themselves. I felt my heart break at that but forced it away in a bottle . I had to do it. There us no way I'd ever make the same mistake again , there is no way I'd ever leave them behind , with mother and father. Not after Alex- tears filled my eyes as a deep pain cut deep and without realising it a stray tear had fell , and East lifted his head and his eyes turned wide and panicked and something else as he gently wiped it away looking me in the eyes , but mine were tear filled .

" Are you okay, mommy? "

East asked me softly but I saw his eyes were angry , for what reason I had no clue. His eyes told me not to lie , and I had already lied enough for my lifetime today so instead I just weakly smiled and nodded but the horrible feelings from the nightmare of losing him yet again filled me still. East looked unhappy with my answer but instead just wiped the tears from my eyes and gently kissed my cheek looking upset. His eyes were distant and I left him , knowing not to anger or upset him been more. I turned onto my two twins and after a shaky breathe I quickly recovered and my guards were back up and the seconds of weakness was gone replaced with love for my boys , which I felt strongly about them. I gently ruffled little Sammy's hair, but also felt the same worry of how he was feeling , and If he was in pain again. I knew if have to take him again soon, but I also knew I'd have to find another job and more hours if I was going to pay for my little Sammie's treatment for him to get better , if I was going to keep him as heathy as he can be , and as alive for as long as possible , because I couldn't lose yet another brother. I've already lost two. But I knew he wasn't going to live for much longer , and just knowing that and him knowing it at such a young age killed me. I just couldn't think like that. I pushed my thoughts away as little Sammy's voice beckoned me to listen , and I immediately paid attention with interest in my baby brothers ever thought and interest as well as excitement and happiness .

" Cawowine (Caroline) gave wus more cookies! Wand wey were yummy!! "

Sammy exclaimed and I chuckled at my little twin brother , completely content and happy that he was just happy. Hunter piped in as well his eyes wide and full of the childish wonder.

" I wonder wow she makes Wem. Wan we make some mommy? "

Hunter asked me his eyes sparkling full of happiness and I wouldn't ever take that away from him , whatever made my brothers happy and smile , made me happy. I would do anything for them , die for them , give them anything and everything they wanted if I knew it would keep their beautiful happy smiles on their faces . I just nodded smiling lovingly at him my heart swelling with how lucky I was to have all three of my babies .

Broken by kittykat92002Where stories live. Discover now