Chapter:38 Diamonds

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Chapter:38 Diamonds
(Alex's P.O.V.)

Aidan sat on my left , and Chance on my right in the huge old grandstands on the outskirts of the field . I looked out , almost bouncing on the cool steel bench in excitement , trying to spot North, Ryder and Emmer amongst the ginormous football players that had just come out of the locker room, all dressed in their huge paddings we their red and white jerseys overtop , each having a particular number on each of their backs identifying each player.

I couldn't see North or the others yet , and sat up enough to kneel on the grandstands between the twins , cupping my hands over my eyes against the harsh glare of the sun , in hopes to spot them.

I tried to look for Ryder , as he would be the easiest to spot as he was the tallest person in the school easy, and possibly the tallest person in the whole of South Carolina , as he was truly a giant , but he was my gentle giant . After from what I've seen of him , I find it hard to find him scary let alone intimidating anymore .

Just as I was searching the field , three more boys came out of the change rooms , all talking closely together as they made their way over to the rest of the huge group if other players that were casually messing around whilst waiting for the coach , who was talking to whom i assume to be a teacher.

As I squinted , trying to see through their helmets , warm almond eyes met my own and a huge grin broken off on Ryder's face as he quickly ran over to us, the two other boys with him , North and Emmet looking around confusedly. I quickly scrambled off of the grandstands and raced towards Ryder , hurdling myself over each bench below me with ease and jumped straight into his warm embrace , savouring his familiar comforting ocean scent filling my senses . I tried to wrap my arms around his shoulders , with great difficulty as the huge hard square pads on his shoulders made it harder to grip onto him. As if sensing my struggle , Ryder's huge tanned arm came underneath my butt , and drew my tiny form up , holding me up effortlessly as his face came face to face with mine and he grinned , pulling a funny face , that looked so unusual on his naturally intimidating features , causing me to giggle.

Ryder's eyes lit up , his grin stretching broadly , as he looked at me .

" Hello, angel." Ryder said softly, and I smiled back at him.

" Hey Ry."

I mimick his tone , and created a nickname up for him which I haven't heard the boys call him , and he just beamed happily at me , his eyes lighting up at my nickname happy. I silently made myself promise to call him that for now on , as it made him happy.

A loud holler broke us from our happy moment , and I flinched from the loudness of the voice as another voice joined in.

" Hey! Ryder! Who's that hot chick you've got right there? She's a pretty little thing."

An unfamiliar husky voice sounded and I was set down gently but Ryder didn't let go of me, his grip instead only tightened almost painfully , but I didn't dare move as I was speechless , and my cheeks heated red , but my skin crawled. I watched timidly , something uneasy sitting in with me as a tallish boy came up to us, a wide grin on his face.

I peeked timidly up at the tallish boy , who was now standing next to us , and silently studied him. He was roughly 6'0 in height , heavily tanned skin which proved he spent a lot of time outside , and soft light brown hair , which had neatly trimmed sideburns , and slight brown curls up the top , making him look what I assume the other girls would call 'cute'.

Long dark brown eyelashes framed his mud brown eyes , making him look more appealing in the looks department , he had a face of an angel , but I didn't feel any awe in his looks like I had with the boys , my friends or Val. He had a nicely fit body that was barely covered by the too small shirt he wore , a small glimpse of his tanned toned stomach stuck out from underneath his shirt , revealing his bodybuilder body he had . Overall he was quite handsome and good looking , but I didn't particularly like the aggressive look that came in his plain mud brown eyes , or the lingering look he gave me .

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