Chapter:34 Easy

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Chapter:34 Easy
( Alex's P.O.V. )

The car ride was silent , and to be honest it scared me the way North looked right now , his lips pursed , face unreadable although I saw hidden anger in his eyes , and knew he wasn't happy with something. And I had a feeling it had to do with Valentine. I decided to speak , my voice scared and unsure , and I barely recognised it myself.

" Can you please take me to the local kindergarten , North."

I whispered quietly , breaking the tense silence and I watched scarecly as his hands tightened on the wheel flexing slightly, and just as we stopped at a red light I saw his dark soulful eyes look up into the rear view mirror, blank.


North questioned his voice deep and his strange accent which I believe to be Russian thick, his voice almost coming out as a demanding growl. I cowered back into my seat my hand fluttering to my lips my heart pounding furiously as fear pumped through my blood at his loud harsh tone which reminded me of father before he struck out at me. A sudden slap sounded and I flinched at the sound but was thankful neither noticed as Ryder who sat in the front passenger seat , glared at North , his usually calm and gentle nature no more. I watched scarcely as Ryder snapped at North in some foreign language , his warm honey brown eyes darkening as he stabbed a long tanned finger in my direction never taking his eyes off of North. Guilt filled me . God what have I done? Now their fighting because of me , it's all my fault. I thought as I cowered into my seat , afraid . As if they had heard my movements both of their eyes snapped in my direction and I saw pain flash in Norths eyes and Ryder's soften but guilt was in them. I watched with wide scared eyes as Ryder turned his eyes back to North and said something more quietly in the foreign language to him before turning back to his window staring out of it. Norths eyes met mine as he turned around in the drivers seat and I saw his eyes soften as I saw the anger fade slightly but remained there as he looked at me bashful. That's when I realised . He wasn't angry at me , but himself. I watched as North reached out as rough hand hesitantly , his face vulnerable and unsure as he gently placed his rough palm against my cheek , warming it . I didn't dare move , frozen as I told myself that North would never hurt me , and although my body reacted differently , I knew deep in my heart and mind that he would never hurt me . It's North, my friend.

" I'm sorry, baby. "

North whispered and I was shocked he could whisper since his voice was always so loud . I pushed my thoughts away and saw the vulnerability and unsure look in his eyes , and knew he wasn't great with talking or touch or apologies. I smiled at him , seeing how tired he truly looked and could understand his moodiness . I nodded in understanding feeling worry creep in again as he looked like he was getting absolutely no sleep, when he should be resting.

" It's okay, North. "

I told him softly , not even the slightest angry at him as I could compare to him, he looked the way I felt. I watched as he studied me quietly for a few seconds something sparking in his dark eyes as he pulled his hand away and nodded his body suddenly relaxing , and his usually permeant frown softened until his face relaxed completely his eyes soft . He quickly turned around as the light changed but I didn't miss the tiny tug upwards of his lips as he turned around and drove taking a different turn which headed towards the kindy my munchkins were at.

I shifted in my seat to glance out the window to see the surroundings , and didn't miss how both boys eyes momentarily snapped to me as soon as I moved an inch and felt my face heat and placed my hands on my cheeks hiding the blush trying to calm my pounding heart. I watched as North swung the black monster of a jeep into the kindy parking lot not missing the confused questioning glance North and Ryder shared silently between them and I quickly got out the car my need to be with my munchkins again overwhelming as I missed them so mucho end though I saw them this morning. I quickly walked to the kindy entrance and opened the gate closing it carefully again before flickering my eyes around trying to spot my two munchkins. I suddenly heard my name being cried out but before I could see where the twins both were I was suddenly knocked over and fell on my back and hid a wince as the impact hurt my healing lacerations on my back from the previous week . I forced the pain away not wanting my boys to see me weak or in pain , as that would worry them even more they already are . I lifted my head up a genuine automatic smile curling my lips as I met the two happy smiles of both the twins as they stared back at me , their eyes twinkling . My heart warmed at the sight.

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