Chapter:28 Character Profiles

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Chapter:28 Character Profiles
Hey sorry there is no chapter but I'll make up for it ;)
Here is some information about the book and Alex's timetable which gives more of an idea of the book and an in ids in the characters themselves as well as the time and setting in each chapter. Hope this helps you out :D
Love Kitty XXX💕🐯
(Broken) Alex's timetable for school

Home room- Aidan and chance
Teacher: Mr. Brooks

AP English- Ashton , North, Emmet
Teacher: Ms. Johnson

Agricultural education- Ryder
Teacher: Mr. Parks

Art- Calvin
Teacher: Mr. Kale

Spanish - Aidan , Blaze
Teacher: Profe. Ramìrez


Music- Blaze
Teacher: Mr. Grey

AP World History- Ashton , Beckett
Teacher: Mr. Napps

AP Geometry - Chance
Teacher: Mrs. Sharp

AP Biology- Ryder
Teacher: Miss. Dizzy

Gymnasium- Aidan , Ryder , North, Emmet
Boys teacher: Coach. Fowler
Girls teacher: Coach. Fitt

No. Of classes boys have each with Alex

Aidan- 3 classes
Chance- 2 classes
Ashton- 2 classes
North- 2 classes
Emmet- 2 classes
Ryder- 3 classes
Clavin- 1 class
Blaze- 2 classes
Beckett- 1 class
Lastly Mr. Grey- technically 1 class ;)
Authoritative people in school

Principle-Mr. Stark
Vice principle-Mr. Stone
Nurse / doctor- Dr. Drake and Nurse Clarence
School councillor- Mrs. Red
And lastly a little insight on each main characters character profile;

Troyce (Troy) Clarke-
44 years old , father and man of the family household , has a dangerous addiction to alcohol and drugs, dark dark brown slightly curly hair , dark brown almost black eyes , long dark black eyelashes and heavily tanned skin , is a workaholic , always on business trios for weeks and sometimes even months at a time , very tall muscled frame , has many dirty secrets as used on him as blackmail following him , was once considered a criminal but for what??? ;)

Avalon (Ava) Clarke-
40 years old , has had a really bad illness slowly killing her for years now which you will find out about later , bitter , spiteful , hateful violent woman , is agoraphobic , has no anger tolerance when in comes to Alex , long curly plain brown hair , and cruel hazel eyes , with tall and slightly plump figure and lightly tanned skin, and hates men for her own reasons

Alexia Rose Clarke-
16 yrs , Chameleon coloured golden hair , crystal blue eyes , long dark eyelashes , button nose , petite and short , tiny girl , adorable doe eyes , high cheekbones , lightly tanned skin, thin hourglass model like body , scarred body
(Sweet scent , sometimes strawberries and sometimes vanilla and fairy floss)

Baeden (Bae) Clarke-
(Calls Alex Goldie and Lexi)
Currently 24 yrs now, Alex's older brother , soft dark brown messy hair , lightly tanned skin , violet eyes , built body with 8 pack , raw power , piercing in one ear and lip, tall and dark aura , gang leader , has hidden anger issues

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