Chapter:21 Mighty Flame

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Chapter:21 Mighty flame
(Alex's P.O.V. )

I stare out into the distance , my head still pounding form this morning but it seems like nothing compared to how numb and hopeless I feel that I finally realised he wasn't coming back for me or at all.

I shiver in the tree feeling the harsh cold breeze out today freeze me even colder than i am currently feeling on the inside but I make no move to get down from the tree , I make no move to move away from the only comfort I have right now , and it's the familiar feeling of nature , of what my home once felt like , the forest. Sure it may be one tree , and the forest is quite far away from here , but I found comfort in the oak tree , the rough feel if it's trunk and branches against my hands and skin as I climbed and sat amongst its leaves and branches , the wild feeling of the wind blowing against me from such a great height, the distant echo of the birds in the distance as they called to one another .

" Kätzchen? Is that you? "

I heard a familiar deep booming voice sound throughout the silence but I didn't move or react , too numb to feel anything or speak as I just continued to shiver the tears still in my eyes as I can't help but stress over how I'm going to fix all of this this time ...and I can't look to the only person who I once considered as a kid the closest person I had ever had to a friend , and I can't go back to Abuela or Harry they're all gone.

Suddenly that loud voice quietens to a whisper so soft and quiet I would've thought impossible for their voice.

"Kätzchen? Little kitten, please come down, your skins turning purple."

Emmet whispered and that snapped me out of my thoughts as I numbly nodded at him and slowly moved , reluctant to be leaving the only place so far up I felt safe and protected and comforted by. I slowly climbed down the tree with ease never once speaking as the numbness crept in as I truly felt exhausted , but I also felt longing to see Valentine again , even though he was so far away, I knew then I just needed to get away , even just for a day. I needed space to think , and I need my protector. Before I could even get halfway down the tree I felt two thick strong muscly arms wrap around me and lift me up but I didn't move or flinch but instead let them take me the fight in me disappearing as Emmet gently set me down.

I didn't look in his eyes and kept my eyes trained in the ground , not wanting him to see how weak I was at the moment ,or the emotions I was feeling. But he had other plans and his huge calloused hands cupped my face and forced me to look in pot his deep dark blue eyes that turned darker and I saw an angry storm fill his eyes as he saw the huge bruise on my face .

" Who did this to you Kitten? "

he demanded his loud voice back again but it wasn't the booming laughs and words he usually spoke with , instead his voice was dark , loud and angry. I felt the tears fill my eyes more and I hated myself for being weak , but I couldn't stop them. Instead I only asked him one thing.

" C-can...please take me to Atlanta."

I murmured shakily and saw his eyes change and soften and he nodded without question although I saw the questions in his eyes as he gently picked me up and I numbly wrapped my arms around his neck letting my eyes close as he held me to him , just like Baedon used to . My front was pressed to his huge thick bulky chest that was warm while he kept one huge arm wrapped underneath my butt and thighs , holding me up to him effortlessly as he began walking underneath me .

I let my eyes drift closed as I listened to the calm pounding beat of his heart underneath my ear as he carried me , and I felt the whole world drift away , and felt myself disconnect from the world for a few minutes as I found myself stuck in flashbacks of what had happened this morning.

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