Chapter:32 Faded

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Chapter:32 Faded
(Alex's P.O.V.)

I feel my feet take me away , as they pound softly against the dirt track as I sprint past everyone with ease , everything seeming to disappear until I was left with only my heightened senses .

I closed my eyes and kept on running , listening to my heartbeat pound calmly , not even once beating out of time , not once ever breaking a sweat or being one out of breath . This was what I was good at. This was a part of me , the running , just to feel free and untamed . To escape the place I was meant to call family and home . It was in my blood .

I couldn't help the smile and sudden peace I felt as I pushed myself harder , my feet never pounding against the track hard , but instead the way I was taught , to run softly and quietly , to run on your toes , to never give away your position , to never be caught . I opened my eyes and felt them sting with tears as the wind blew harshly against me as I continued to run , the wind blowing and tangling in my hair , the slight chill of the wind biting my skin , but I didn't care. I was in my element , all that was missing was the beautiful wild scenery of the forest to surround me .

I heard the cheers faintly in the background , but paid no mind to it as in the distance I heard the howling of the wind , the chirps of the birds , and the soft barely audible thuds of my footfalls as I ran . I knew that I was infront , by how much I didn't know but I also knew I was holding back from how fast I really ran , I wasn't using my full ability . I could run a hell of a lot faster but something about this pace is calming and I find comfort in it as I easily cross the Finnish line after our third lap and force my legs to stop instead of carry on like they wanted to . I finally release my breathe which I hadn't realised I had been holding the whole laps and smiled to myself , and saw I was the first one finished.

Suddenly two strong bulky arms wrapped around my and I felt them lift me up from under my armpits and a familiar face swam into view and I visibly willed my muscles to relax. Emmet's proud eyes and grinning face swam into view and I felt my smile grow bigger , proud of my achievement and tears stinging my eyes as the emotions Emmet was showing , the pride in his eyes as he gazed intently at me , nothing I'd ever seen from anyone before except from Harry. Not even my mother or father ever showed they were proud of me .

" You did amazing , kitten! "

Emmet's deep voice boomed and I saw pride in his eyes as he held me lifted up by the armpits so he looked slightly up at me . I smiled softly at him forcing those guards to hide what I was truly thinking and feeling.

" Thank you Emmet , but I'm not as sure I'd was as amazing as you and all the boys were out there."

I told him honestly placing my hands on his broad thick muscular shoulders trying not to fall and saw his grin falter slightly and I could've sworn I saw a slight frown Marr his usually happy face but it was quickly gone as he grinned even wider , showing those pearly whites of his .

" Not sure if you're my little kitten any more, more like a cheetah."

Emmet joked his grin contagious and I grinned back at him shaking my head but before I could say anything to strong rough hands snatched me from Emmet's hold and I was suddenly placed on the ground delicately as if I'd break and a loud slap sounded and I winced as I saw Emmet flinch from the move and felt those arms that pulled me away from Emmet tighten around me pushing my face in their chest almost protectively and I looked up to see Norths dark angry face a he glared at Emmet.

" What the fuck did you think you were fucking doing holding baby up like she was some sort of fucking trophy?!!! You could've hurt her, she could've been hurt, god dammit Emmet!!!!! "

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