Chapter:44 Happiness

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Chapter:44 Happiness
(Ally's P.O.V.)

After the incident this morning, and after Val had wrapped me up in his safe and ever protective arms , the bell is what had pulled him off of me, and he had reluctantly taken me to class, North , Emmett and Ashton following behind closely, Valentines tattooed arm snaked around my waist, gently hiding me partially in his side as they walked me down the corridors without a word . People stared at us bluntly , and I cringed from the attention but forced my spine straight and forced my feet to keep on moving feeling bad enough that Val was already going to be late to his class for taking me to mine.

I felt a presence to my left, and looked up to see Ashton walking beside me , his sapphire eyes hidden behind glasses worried and questioning but he didn't say a thing , as he pursed his lips , but smiled comfortingly at me, nudging his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. I smiled small back, trying to force my thoughts off of Cody , wanting nothing more than to keep on moving on but I knew Val would never let it go. We had arrived to our English class just as the teacher Ms. Johnson was coming down the hall. I saw her eyes widen as they landed on us, and saw her eyes trail down to Val's hand wrapped tightly around me waist and saw her eyes fill with a knowing look as she smiled at me , although she looked amazed by something, as she opened the door quickly. The students poured in and North and Emmett both headed into class, shooting me a look over their shoulders before disappearing, Ashton the only one hanging behind . I looked up at Val's dark furious eyes and knew I wouldn't be going anywhere soon even if class had started , I had to calm him down before he hurt someone or himself. I smiled softly at Ashton, who's cheeks heated but his eyes stayed trained on mine worried.

"It's okay, head in i will be in there in a minute Ash. Save me a spot please? "

I tell him softly, glancing at Val who had now had his back turned toward us as he leant heavily against the lockers in the corridors , his large fists tightly clenched and his huge body wound up and tense , ready to strike. Ashton's eyes looked doubtful and unsure , but smiled back at me before nodding and heading in closing the door behind him. As soon as the door closed , and the corridors became empty , I stepped hesitantly towards Val finally having privacy from prying eyes and ears.

As I stepped closer to Val he tensed more , but I didn't know what had came over me , and felt my arms wrap around him from behind , as I buried my head in his back closing my tired eyes hugging him. His body tensed underneath mine before relaxing , and I felt his hands slide across mine where they sat on his flat toned stomach, squeezing gently . I don't know how long we stood there , but I slowly pulled away my fingers raising to my lips unsure of whether he would still lash out or not. He spun around on me and grasped my forearms , his dark eyes soft but worried, the anger slowly disappearing but a small bit was still there in his eyes .

" Who is he pix? Are you alright babygirl? He didn't hurt you did he? "

Val demanded , his tone cracking at the end as his eyes became worried and strained. I shook my head and pulled my arms from him, wrapping them instinctively around my torso, trying to hide how they were shaking.

" No he didn't hurt me, he surprised me that's all." I whispered , looking up at Val's dark eyes that looked down at me worry evident in them. He frowned his eyes narrowing.

" Surprised you alright , you know him don't you? "

Val growled out, his eyes flashing with some weird emotion I'd never seen before , his tone taking on a harsh edge and I flinched from the tone , my heart filling with hurt that he made it sound as if it was an accusation to something. I swallowed thickly, forcing the hurt back but he had seen it and I saw his eyes instantly lose their anger , a panicked look filling his eyes .

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