Chapter:26 Only Hope

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Chapter:26 Only Hope
(Alex's. P.O.V. )

After Beckett seemed happy with my answer and had stopped praising me for my perfect taste buds that are apparently pure like his , he was interrupted mid sentence by a uncle who I hadn't seen yet and didn't realise until now that this must be his house that him , Beckett , and North live in . Uncles eyes met mine and I saw his eyes shine with something I wasn't used to at all, concern. He came over to both Beckett and I, dressed already for the diner with Car keys in his hands . I blushed suddenly feeling as if I was intruding in on his home without even his permission . Just as I went to apologise uncle wrapped me in his arms for a hug which I stiffened at feeling sick suddenly as the familiar feeling of fathers hands on me started up again and I felt black spots begin to fill my vision as I began to panic.

I met Mr. Greys eyes over uncles shoulder and saw his eyes darken and he quickly made his way toward us and gently tugged me back out of uncles arms and hovered his hand over my lower back tentuvely , never once touching the material of the shirt ir my skin beneath it . I saw Uncle meet Mr. Greys eyes over my shoulder and they shared a silent look and uncle had a slightly sad look in his eyes as he smiled at me but I saw worry in his eyes that no ones ever shown me before .

" Are you alright pretty bird? "

Uncle asked me softly his face crinkled up frowning in concern stress and worry lines everywhere on his face as he looked at me . My body rattled and I felt shock course through me as well as confusion ...why would he care about me even though he's not family , even though I've only known him for a week when my own family I've known for my whole life doesn't and never has once cared? Swallowing thickly I force a smile and nod but feel worry fill me as uncle looks exhausted . I see him smile at me believing my faked smile and then goes to turn around once after patting my head as a final farewell but I reach out to him gently brushing my fingertips on his arm shakily and quickly pull back to get his attention. I see uncle tun on me and see surprise and shock in his eyes as I never reached out to anyone , unless it was my brothers .

I felt worry and guilt hit me hard as I realised I'd interrupted uncles peaceful night sleep last night , hence why he looks barely able to stand properly without falling asleep. Oh god it's all my fault. So I said the only words I said most.

" I-I'm sorry."

I whisper hanging my head avoiding his eyes knowing I don't deserve this kind mans forgiveness . I had ruined his night sleep he desperately needed because of myself. It's my fault he's like this now. I close my eyes and wait for my punishment like mother and would do but after a few silent seconds and no hit comes I open my eyes to see uncles eyes soft and kind eyes starring back at me but I didn't miss the frown on his face as he watched me . He smiled at me tiredly and I felt confusion fill me wondering why he wasn't punishing me , becasue I deserve it . Instead he just smiles and gently pats my cheek although I can see questions in his eyes as he shoots me one last look over his shoulder grinning as he snatches up his keys again off the table and opens the front door.

" Have a nice day pretty bird , "

uncle calls out form the front door and sends me a wink before the door closes and moments later I hear the car engine start and then it's silent again as I stand there silently stunned with how much uncle and Beckett resemble one another in both personality and the way they act and also looks.

I felt my cheeks tinge slightly but I still felt confused as to why I didn't get my punishment and that just made me feel even guiltier . I sat back down in my chair next to Beckett and that seemed to break the silence and the boys left in this house which included Mr. Grey, Dr.Drake , North , and Beckett and myself .

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