Chapter :11 Past

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Chapter:11 Past
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )

It's Tuesday and I'm currently sitting through home room again , the second school day for me since leaving Atlanta. I had come home a bit earlier than I had wanted to as I could see my little Sammy growing more pale by the hour as I worked at the diner last night , and I knew if I didn't get him and and get him some rest so I could take him for some Chemo therapy tomorrow that he would be even more sicker and tired if he didn't get a good night sleep. I stayed awake the whole night as well , as I couldn't sleep as I had to look over my brothers , and sleep always usually evaded me just as much as I evaded it.

Mother had cornered me as soon as I had arrived back at the house and had screamed at me for whoring myself out , waiting by the front door for hours for my arrival just so she could punish me. I felt myself reliving the punishment.

Mother grabbing me by the arm harshly and dragging me into the kitchen . Mother throwing me harshly on my knees and leaving the room. Me kneeling before her fearful as I heard my three brothers rustling upstairs as I had only just tucked them in . I closed my eyes tears filling my eyes silently praying my three munchkins wouldn't come down , that they stayed where they were. Before I knew it mother was throwing something all over the floor next to me. I felt confusion fill me. It was raw rice grains. Suddenly I was yanked to kneel on it with my bare knees and legs and I winced as I felt the millions of tiny sharp edges dig into my skin cutting in but I never spoke or made a sound knowing it will be much more worse than it has to be . Knowing that I can't risk getting up or even begging her to stop it all as I knew she'd tell father and father would hunt down all three of my brothers and make them pay the price for my actions . That he'd harm them knowing they are the only things I have left that mean everything to me , and that they are the only things keeping me alive . Keeping me sane. And I wouldn't let that happen again , I wouldn't let him won , I wouldn't let anyone near them let alone hurt them ever . Not if I could help it. I won't let him take them away form me just like he did with Alexandru. Tears stung my eyes at the very name and I felt a pang of pain in my chest at the thought.

Mother came back a few minutes later and before I could react and even move away , a glass was slammed hard against my mouth. I lifted my hands to try and claw at her arms but my lip split as she slammed the glass with too much force and forced the liquid concoction of who knows what down my throat , forcing me to swallow it. Tears silently filled my eyes as I struggled against her but it was too late. I was too weak. She forced to keep me this way. She loved the way she kept me like this , weak and barely able to fight back. Vulnerable. She yanked on my hair tilting my head back harshly forcing the contents down my throat. I clawed against her but it was use. The unknown liquid concoction poured down my throat painfully slow , burning the inside of my throat apart as I fought a muffled scream. After satisfied it was all gone mother yanked it away and threw me back to the floor in a weak heap onto the ride which dug into my skin more then ever painfully. But it didn't hurt as much as my burning throat that felt on fire and raw . She turned in me and sneered at me kneeling on the floor weakly trying to hold myself up but the more I shifted trying to comfortable the worse the rice rug in. I bit my split lip tears filling my eyes as I looked back up at her , only to find she was never completely looking at me in the eyes. Her eyes were always on my arm , wrist , leg , counter behind me or collarbone never looking me in the eyes once.

" If you dare move or say a word about this I wills find out like I always do , and you'll find those filthy un grateful brats upstairs not only missing but gone forever . "

mother threatened me then sneered one last time before storming out the kitchen , and down the passage and into her bedroom slamming the door shut before only the sound of her television was sounded throughout this silent empty house . I closed my eyes and fought away the unbearable pain , and instead retreated back into the coldness , which wrapped around me tightly like a nice safety blanket , leaving me feeling empty and numb inside . Leaving me to feel nothing. I let out a shaky breath and opened my eyes and felt everything fade away to a blur. Time passed , seconds , minutes , hours , I didn't count. It all just passed by , the night growing darker from the kitchen window above the sink . I was left cast in the dark for the whole night and morning, alone , and forgotten. It wasn't until 7:00am in the morning mother came out her room tiredly and looking really pale and sick again , her hair brushed back messily and her clothes crumpled. As soon as she went to step inside the kitchen her eyes landed on me and I saw confusion as well as annoyance fill them. She only said few words to me before ignoring me completely.

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