Chapter:17 Comfort

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Chapter:17 Comfort
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )
Violet eyes , that's all I saw everywhere in this never ending dark maze full of nothing. I run but no matter how much I push myself , i can't escape those violet eyes forever haunting me , violet eyes that I never wanted to see ever again. Violet eyes that destroyed me completely both inside and out like poison. Every word I believed , nothing but a lie. Suddenly I'm pulled back into another memory no matter how much I scream and plead for it to stop, but it doesn't . It never does , always showing me my past , always coming back to torture me.

I'm watching from afar as my little child form is being carried upstairs in the arms of Baedon , who cradled my tiny child self again this gigantic chest that always made me feel safe , protected , never scared . He was my teddy.

I snuggled closer to Baedon trying to hide in his chest as mother walked out of her room and I felt my hands begin to shake violently as my tiny malnourished body rattled against Baedons as the bruises I was hiding on my back , arms and wrists suddenly began to ache badly again as soon as mothers cold harsh eyes full of hatred glared ice daggers at me . I flinched and cowered away from her hateful gaze which I knew was full of evil and darkness , her eyes showing no warmth or kindness . And I knew that if I even stepped one centimetre away from Baedon that I was fair game for her. I knew that as soon as Baedon was gone , that I wouldn't be safe in the slightest and if it wasn't for him here with me most of the time I'm sure mother would have killed me by now. Tears stung my eyes as I hide from her in fear but no matter how much I try to tell Baedon I know I can't or the punishment will get a lot worse and I'm not sure I can take much more.

I looked up at Baedon hurt and pain filling me as I thought why couldn't I be normal and perfect just like him? Why did I have to be the disappointment of the family? What was I doing wrong that made mother hate me so much? Why is it that I always get my hopes up in her loving me just like she absolutely adores Baedon. Why couldn't I be more like him? Why doesn't he get punished?

I couldn't help but think as Baedon carried up the stairs being ever so gentle with me. He gently put my down on the floor infront of the bathroom and I felt fear fill me as I remembered mothers threatening words . Don't you dare let him see anything or tell him anything you little worthless whore , or I'll make sure he won't be alive to tell anyone else as well as you.

My fingers raised to my lips nervously as a habit and I felt tears of desperation stinging my eyes as I pushed Baedons hand away before he could help me change out of my clothes for my bath he had run for me. He frowned at me his eyes confused and gentle.

" What's wrong goldy? What was that for hmmm? "

he asked me softly but sternly and I stepped back my hand at my lips shaking my lip quivering as I felt the fear of mothers threatening promise fill me and I knew I couldn't let him see . Momma was going to kill him and me if I did and I wasn't letting her kill my Teddy. Teddy didn't deserve to die . He was a good boy. He's loved , everything I'm not.

" I-I-I don't want a b-bath T-T-Teddy."

My child stuttered my lip quivering as tears filled my eyes as I backed further away from . I watched his eyes follow my movements and darken as well as fill with questions and hurt as he moved towards me a stern look on his face.

" But you need a bath Alexia , you're all dirty from climbing trees and crawling in the mud. Besides you love baths."

He told me sternly frowning at me as if trying to determine what was wrong. I looked at the ground forcing my guards up like I had been teaching myself and hiding my hurt when he called me Alexia and looked up at my Teddy hiding everything from him but the tears remained in my eyes as I hated doing this to him. I hated lying to him , hiding from him even though I knew I could trust him. But I needed to keep him safe and that was more important than myself .

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