Chapter:20 Piano

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Chapter:20 Piano
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )

After the scene in the forest with the stranger I quickly remembered that I had to go back to the house , no matter how furious mother and father would be , no matter what punishment I would receive.

I quickly shot down the boys request to drive me back home as they didn't know where I lived thankfully , and I also knew that if mother saw them on her porch she'd have a heart attack . And reluctantly they all left and headed back to Ashton's house , everyone except for Mr.Grey who stood in the forest with me and my three brothers which East and Hinter held my hand and Sammy was fast asleep in my arms exhausted. I instantly felt guilty for not going back to the house quicker and going in the attic to give Sam his pills to take away the pain. But I knew other than that there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop the pain and this alone pained me that I couldn't even save my own baby brother. I was already struggling with money , with the house bills and paying for the water and electricity and school and clothes for my boys and parents. But I wouldn't change it any way , and I don't care how much Sams treatment costs , and I don't care if I have to starve for a few weeks or work long hours just to get the money , I'd do anything to get rid of the pain and keep him as healthy and alive for as long as possible even though I knew he condo never be completely cured.

I met Mr. Greys cold steel eyes as he watched me with a blank expression blinking his lips turning downwards slightly.

" Please allow me to take you home , Ms. Clarke. You can't walk home in bare feet." .

Mr.Grey told me frowning at me and I didn't notice or pay any attention to the dirt on my feet. I felt my fingers hover over my lips not wanting to be rude and refuse his offer but I also couldn't risk mother finding out or father hurting him , let alone getting Mr. Grey into this dangerous mess that is my life. I wouldn't allow another person to get hurt because of me and my family. I shook my head and looked down at the ground .

" I'm sorry , Mr. Grey, but I believe it's best that I walk home, it's not far and I wouldn't want to keep you up form the others." I tell him softly looking up and see him about to refuse , scowling at me but I cut him off.

" I'll be fine , it's not like the wolves are going to hurt me."

I tell him quietly and I see him frown looking displeased by my answer but it was the truth. I knew the wolves would never hurt me , and neither I them. The wolves don't hurt anyone ever unless you've harmed them and did them wrong. It's a sad thing to say but I trust the wolves more than I would with anyone . I see some emotion flicker in his blank eyes but before I can see what it is it's gone and he speaks his displeasure.

" You don't know that."

Is all he says and I feel myself freeze and my eyes go cold . How could he say that? They're my family , Baron and Nadia were my family!!! The only ones who accepted me!!!! I feel tears sting my eyes as the haunting memories come back , people calling me a freak , all those scary scientists poking and prodding me , keeping me locked in a cage , saying I'm not normal , hitting me telling me I had to act normal , that I had to eat normally , that I had to act human and not be the feral wild animal inside.

I clutch my head in pain and feel my legs buckle and pain shoot up my spine that was suddenly hurting again , the pain that father had inflicted on me last night hitting me full force. I scream , trying to stop it. My eyes blurry with tears as I beg them to stop. I flinch away from the hands touching me and see Mr. Greys face infront of mine and look at him coldly shaking my head tears still in my eyes as I crumple into a ball on the ground the burning pain on my back coming back . I look at him as his hand reaches out his mouth moving quickly and I see worry in his eyes , but he's just like them. I flinch away from his hand and look him in the eyes. He's just like them , those scientists , saying I'm not normal , trying to make me perfect.

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