Chapter:24 Sweet Goodnight

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Chapter:24 Sweet Goodnight
(Emmet's. P.O.V.)

Home. That's all I felt in this moment , was at home for the first time in years since I let Germany , my home country. I look over smiling to myself as the comedy movie plays quietly in our small apartment living room , with my older brother Emerson who I haven't seen for years finally with me again , as well as little Löwin who he had brought back from Germany with him , and my little kitten fast asleep on both my brother and I's laps .

As I watched my brother I saw him look down at my kitten who was curled into his chest fast asleep and saw him study her closely , quiet and no longer paying attention to the movie he had desperately wanted to watch . I felt a bit of anger spark in me as I watched him , feeling my blood boil with the way he was looking at her for some reason. Before I could stop myself I let that anger slip.

" Stop looking at her like that."

I gritted out glaring at my brother who's head snapped up and I saw surprise in his eyes as he watched me carefully , his eyes now wary and calculating and not the rare softness he had in them when he looked at kitten. Suddenly I saw something spark in his eyes and saw understanding fill them as he looked at me straight . I saw his eyes that somehow knew what I was thinking yet again.

" Emmet, calm down , I don't like her like that."

My older brother told me firmly and I saw his eyes still wary as he watched me carefully and I felt myself relax slightly but I still glared at him the anger coming back full force and usually I am able to contain it easily but this time I just can't . Without realising it I clutch kittens legs and feet tighter in my hands the anger burning deep within.

" What do you like her as then, brother? "

I growled at him my hands clenching and I heard a whimper but paid no attention to it blinded by sudden anger towards my brother even though I do not know why or the reason. All I knew is that I didn't like thinking of him with kitten like that , I couldn't think like that.

Suddenly Emerson's eyes turned cold as his hand lashed out at me gripping my arm before I could swing at him for touching me . I watched his eyes flare and become more careful.

" she's a little sister to me dammit Emmet! Now let go of her , you're hurting her."

My brother threatened me and I felt shock fill me and quickly released kitten and heard her whimper as she shifted in her sleep her legs immediately drawing away from my lap and I saw faint red marks from where I had gripped her leg in my anger. I felt guilt hit me as well as anger towards myself for being a prick to my brother even after he'd just came back from the army and just came back for me and I was already being a prick to him and I'd also just hurt my kitten.

" Sorry brother."

I apologised quietly and saw him give me one last wary look before sighing tiredly looking at me his arms now wrapping around my kitten as she curled up on his lap still fast asleep . He just nodded silently.

" I thought you had it controlled Emmet. You know you have to be more careful , especially around little tiny here now ."

My brother told me frowning in disapproval and I grumbled taking a seat back down again.

" I did, I don't know what happened brother but just drop it."

I tell him quietly and see his eyes sharpen on me before nodding reluctantly . He looked at me once more before looking back down at kitten again still somehow fast asleep , but I knew that I hadn't missed the dark underlines underneath her eyes that seemed almost permanent , or how she could only stay asleep for an hour or two. Trapped in my own thoughts , I was brought out of them by Emerson moments later .

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