Chapter:23 Darkness

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Chapter:23 Darkness
(Alexia's. P.O.V.)

I me the cruel harsh eyes of my fathers , and searched for any sigh that he was either high or drink again , but for the first time in about years found none . But I was still on guard and wary. I kept my guards up high and my face emotionless , my eyes as empty as I was feeling , hiding the real fear I was feeling to have this man near me.

I hid a flinch from the nickname he'd given me , and kept my gaze down submissive , trying not to aggravate him , but I felt desperate to get as far away from him as possible and get Emmet away from this cruel man before Emmet could get stuck in this whole mess .

I felt angry at myself for not keeping more guards up , for putting Emmet in danger , and now as I watch from under neath my eyelashes , I already know from the angry glint in fathers eyes that it's too late for Emmet , that I can't stop father anymore , and that he's already seen Emmet , my friend . And I know now it's all too late , but I'd still do anything to protect one of my only friends from father , no matter what it takes , even if it's my life . I wouldn't let father take another innocent life again. Not now , not ever , and definitely not for or because of me .

I hear a loud obnoxious scraping of a chair and timidly look out form my eyes to see father now sitting at our table , and the diner had quietened . I looked up to see father accessing Emmet a glare on his face , but I didn't miss the familiar dangerous glint in his eyes and froze . I quickly pulled out a key from my pocket feeling alarm seize in me as well as fear for Emmet's life now as in the danger of my father . I quickly pressed the small hidden button on the key I always took with me everywhere over and over again underneath the table , praying it was still working . Suddenly fathers deep smooth voice cut the tense silence .

" You okay baby girl? You look awfully pale."

Father asked me frowning and I looked into his eyes to see confusion and something else but tears stung my eyes as I knew he didn't remember anything , that he doesn't remember everything he's punished me to near death , every time he's made my life hell or even a couple of days ago when he whipped me for hours when he was drunk again , demanding to have my brothers . What hurts most is he doesn't even remember anything , that he doesn't remember all the items I've screamed and begged him to stop. That he doesn't even remember punishing his own daughter. I looked up from the small key in my hands that I hid underneath the table and kept on pressing it , masking my fear with empty eyes as I looked up at him , my eyes guarded and tears stinging them but I didn't let them fall or fill my eyes .

" I-I-I'm fine."

I whispered silently begging Harry to come , silently begging the small key he built me with a hidden button on it to work and send the message straight to his phone . I saw Emmet's head whip towards me and saw him tense and his eyes questioning and wary as he eyes my father and I saw his fists clench and his jaw , and I watched as his muscles tensed and swelled , seeming a lot bigger and scarier than he really is. I saw the the glint in his eyes before he felt it himself and quickly grabbed his huge clenched fist underneath the table and held it in my hand my eyes silently begging him to not do anything as I knew that father would snap completely even in his sober state if someone threatened or provoked him , and I knew that father loved the fight.

Suddenly the diner door slammed open and I almost cried in relief as soon as I saw Harry standing there , tall and his face furious and his eyes deadly as they wandered over the diner and fell on me and I saw the silent message in them as he tilted his head slightly to Emmet who was looking between my father and Harry and me with wary and angry eyes . I understood the message and nodded slightly back being careful not to let my father see . Keep Emmet contained, do not move at all while I'll deal with your father. If I give you the signal , you run and don't look back. The message was and I watched as Harry came up to our table and felt many eyes on us all and suddenly saw my father tense as his eyes suddenly became the familiar cold emotionless ones they were and I saw anger fill them as soon as he saw Harry and I saw his eyes snap to me , suddenly deadly and hurt. Seeing the hurt look in my father cold eyes created an even bigger pain in my chest which I ignored it , but clutched my chest trying to hold myself together. One wrong move on any of our parts and father could turn on any of us , and even sober my father is still diagnosed with severe anger issues.

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