Chapter:4 Wild eyes

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Chapter:4 Wild eyes
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )

I don't stop running no matter how much it hurts me to. I had to get my borers safe and away from the giant stranger. But as I continue my running clutching onto my broken and bleeding ribs at the same time I can see that my little munchkins are struggling to keep up now. Not only that my two little twin brothers little Sammy and Hunter look so fearful and scared I instantly feel pain hit me. I've put them in danger again. I've made them scared again but not being more aware of my surroundings. I should've fought harder against unconsciousness and the pain but I couldn't! I felt angry and ashamed and guilty but most of all tired and weak as well as in pain but I push it all away leaving me empty and numb. My breathing is shallow and I'm struggling to breathe as every breathe becomes more and more painful. My eyes flicker around scanning and accessing my surroundings in the new huge unfamiliar forest and decide we're deep enough to let the munchkins rest. I slowly come to a stop throwing up my guards higher to hide the pain and any and every emotion.

My little Sammy clutches tightly to me and so does my little Hunter. East looks deep in his own thoughts but I can still see the hint of pure angry fire and wild look in his distant eyes. I had never been so terrified before but I am now . I feel my chest tighten in pain at the thought of him hurt or so angry and wild before . So in pain and confused just clinging onto the last bit of sanity left within our tight knit family of only me , and little Sammy and Hunter . His eyes met mine and I could see the hurt in them along with the angry fire again but also something else. But I just hid everything from his searching eyes , protecting him from everything. Every secrets and lies I held. Every hidden answer and truth. Every memory and punishment in my life. Every tiny Trace of emotion , I hid it all.

I looked down from his eyes keeping my down trying to keep the shaky guards up high and strong, unbreakable. I had to be strong for my brothers , I had to protect my brothers from everything . I had to keep them safe from everyone and everything no matter what. And that's what done ever since they were born. They're my life theses three little boys , and whether they know it or not they control every beat of my heart, every second it pumps life. Every second I stay in this cruel world. Every last bit of hope I have left they control.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when little Hunter looks up at me a sad worried look on his pale face.

" Wore hurt mommy."

He murmured and tears filled his eyes as his lip trembled as I carefully clutched onto a tree trying to hold up my own weight as my legs no longer could. I never felt this weak before in my life. And I didn't know how to control it. I hid a flinch as he reached up gently and laid his tiny hand on one of my bleeding ribs and I closed my eyes trying to hide the pain at his gentle actions. But it didn't get rid of the tears trying to break free as I hit my lip harder. I smiled weakly down at him trying to comfort and brought his tiny hand away from my broken and bloodied ribs and instead kissed him on the head gently.

" I-I'm all okay little Sam. I-it doesn't hurt. Were safe now."

I murmured and he clung to me tears streaking his face. I watched as Hunter quickly came to my other side but he left a gap as he hugged my arm gently trying not to hurt me which I felt my heart soften. But when I looked over at my little East he was sat down on a tree root staring a my blood covered ribs with the same distant look which broke my heart even more. But I took it in , I deserved the pain unlike my little brothers who have a bright future ahead of all of them. I bottled up the pain pushing it away and suddenly I found myself even more heavier on the tree as a wave of drowsiness filled me as I continued to fight exhaustion. But I knew we couldn't stop as mother would be up and awake soon and would come in my room to punish me or tell me to clean. I couldn't risk it. I gently grabbed Sam and hunters tiny hands and pushed the drowsiness away and I looked over at East my guards faltering as I saw the look on his eyes. Pain hit me hard but I hid it and the tears as I bit my lip hard.

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