Chapter:45 Our Normal

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Chapter:45 Our Normal
(Ally's P.O.V.)

It was the last lesson of the day , and I had gym as usual with North , Aidan, Ryder and Emmet. Emmet and Aidan were still chuckling every nown then still laughing from what had happened with Beckett , North and myself at lunch. Ryder kept quiet , but his soft smile whenever he looked my way made my heart ease knowing that at least I still had some of my friends . North was as grumpy as he usually was , but I never failed to miss the tiny uplift of his lips whenever he thought we weren't looking.

Today for gym class we were all currently sitting down , all four boys surrounding my tiny form , making me seem impossibly smaller by my heart settled in the silent comfort they brang as they gently touched me . Our coaches , Coach Fowler and Coach Fitt stood up front together their eyes expectant and narrowed on us.

" Right listen up! Today we going to play some good old American football! The girls although will be playing Netball with Ms. Fitt right here . So split up! Oh and Ms. Clarke come see me."

Coach Fowler shouted , and everyone got moving high pitched squeals coming from a group of girls in particular and I winced as they spoke and squealed together before grouping to gossip , their eyes on me as they blatantly stared whispering and pointing. I blushed feeling a bit hurt by their antics but pushed it away and looked up to see North frowning , and he followed my gaze , his dark soulful brown eyes darkening with a look of disgust and hate. His eyes met mine immediately softening as he saw me flinch from the intensity of his glare , and he grabbed my hand in his own before tugging me over to Coach Fowler only saying one thing.

" C'mon baby."

I followed him , although nervousness and fear crept up , and my finger touched my lip nervously wondering if I had done something wrong to upset Coach Fowler although I've never spoken a word to him. As soon as we were there Coach Fowlers eyes lit up and I shivered not quite liking or understanding the look he was giving me. Norths hand around mine tightened painfully in response.

" Ahh there you are little missy. You can go now North. "

Coach Fowler said in a low tone , and I heard an emphasis on the word go and cowered into myself as I looked between both of them. Norths football coach and gym coach gave him a overly insistent look with a fake smile on his face as North glared at him darkly but he was forcefully pulled away by a confused but serious Emmet. Once they were gone , Coach turned on me his eyes bright with excitement and something else as he stared at me .

" Well Ms. Clarke you're probably wondering why I asked you over here personally? "

he asked me but before I could open my mouth to answer he was talking again rushing his words as excitement glowed in his eyes , and one of his hands landed on my arm and I cringed into myself fear uncurling in my stomach from the unfamiliar touch but I forced myself to stay put . This is what normal people did , I reminded myself but fear stayed with me. I need to stop overthinking. I plastered on as best of a smile as I could but I knew it didn't reach my eyes. He didn't seem to notice though and instead squeezed my arm .

" Well I've been looking into you sports results and it seems your quite a little athlete yourself? Anyways I came to tell you since your talent for sport is so great and beyond record breaking and phenomenal myself and coach Fitt have came to an agreement that you will now be categorised into the boys sport group and will be participating in more vigorous activities then the girls. So today you will be playing American football instead okay gorgeous? "

Coach told me , his tone unusually low and husky as he leaned close to me. I forced my limbs still although my hands rattled and my body tensed from the actions . I nodded quickly forcing a smile wanting nothing more than for one of the boys to get me away from here , anywhere but here , to get his hands off of me. He beamed and murmured something under his breathe before grinning and taking his hand off my arm reluctantly and walked off to talk to Coach Fitt .

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