Chapter:25 Coincidence

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Chapter:25 Coincidence
(Alex's P.O.V. )

I woke up screaming , the air finally escaping my lungs as I shiver at the feel of fathers hands still on me. I look around and see its early in the morning , about 4:32am . I sit up and force my tired sleep deprived eyes open as I stay lifeless lay at the wall in front of me , slowly rocking myself back and forth trying to calm my breathing but I was no where near calm. I felt as if the walls in this unfamiliar room were closing in on me .... My lungs closing refusing the air I desperately need, I had to get out of here.

I quietly moved towards the bedroom window and quietly opened it , before crawling out and felt my body relax as soon as I felt the cool morning breeze hit my cold skin , but the icy feeling brought a numbing comfort I craved. I gently stepped onto the lawn of the huge backyard , and revelled in the feeling of my bare toes curling around the familiar feeling of the grass underneath my feet. But it wasn't enough. I felt tears sting my eyes as I scratched my bandages trying to forget and rid the images scarred into my mind . I needed to forget , I needed something to make me forget , to make it go away.

I felt my feet automatically take their own path and felt my eyes drift close on their own accord and when I opened my eyes again I found myself in the middle of forest , in a beautiful meadow with the soft cool grass beneath my feet and the faint sound of the stream nearby. I didn't know where about I was to be exact , but it brought comfort , as I took my first breathe. It's home. I felt all my thoughts fade away as I dropped my arms and laid in the soft grass staring up at the sky above the treetops , taking in the beautiful colours of sunrise.

I closed my eyes and lay there for hours what only seemed like seconds , revealing in the numb feeling , and how everything seemed to drift away as my only focus were my senses shining around me . I heard the morning calls of the birds , the rustling of the tress leaves in the wind , the sound of the stream flowing with the current, the sound of deer in the distance , the divine smell of pine and woods and fresh air and nature , the contrasts of greens and browns and blues , the soft looking fur on the wild rabbit as it burrowed back into its den .

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a quiet barely audible screech of what I assumed to be was a bird in distress . I quickly sat up and looked around me to see in the distance a golden like coloured lump in the tall wild grass grass flailing around . I quickly ran over to it feeling concern fill me and stopped when I saw what was wrong.

In the long grass was a beautiful young baby barn owl , it's feathers golden in colour glistening in the morning sunrise , and it's eyes a rich orange colour that were wide and had huge black pupils , it's eyes reminding me much of what a flame looks like . As I stepped closer crouching gently next to it I saw that one of its wings were broken , and that it was only a baby and no owls were in sight , which made me lose hope that it had parents or any siblings. I knew that this baby wouldn't make it out here if I left it , which I'd never do so I carefully took off the huge black shirt on me leaving me only in my old tatty black sports bra , but I didn't mind the chill as it bit into my skin as all I could think of was the beautiful injured owl. I kneeled towards it and it's head swing towards mine , it's flame like eyes burning into my own fearful and distressed and in pain. I felt my eyes soften.

" Ssssshhh baby bird , i won't hurt you."

I whispered softly and saw it stop struggling slowly as it looked at me warily and I too that as a sign to move closed .

" Okay baby bird , Let's get you better you poor baby."

I told her softly , somehow knowing it was a girl and gently picked it up with the black shirt and wrapped her up in if which she allowed me to do looking at me with a strange look in her eyes . I smiled down at her my thought about the night before drifting away as worry filled me and I cradled her to my chest , trying to keep her warm and calm in the morning chill. She blinked up at me as my feet began moving again , walking back the way I'd came deciding to head back to the unfamiliar house my brain caught up in my own thoughts.

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