Chapter:46 Little time

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Chapter:46 Little time
(Ally's P.O.V.)

The shrill sound of school bell screeching in the overhead speakers sounded , signalling the end of the school day . I followed the crowd , immediately being swallowed up inside of it, people pressing against me from all sides . I suddenly found it hard to breathe , hating the feel of their unfamiliar touch on me , scared they they would hurt me too. People were stopping and sent me strange looks as we were stuck but I wasn't exactly there in the moment , as the world began spinning in a blur of colours , black spots filling my vision as I struggled to breathe. I couldn't contort the fear that pumped through my veins as I panicked , my chest feeling as if it were caving in on itself and the walls felt as if they were closing in .

It wasn't until a large familiar warm hand enveloped my own and the scent of ocean filled my nose , and I managed to look up through the black dots and blurry vision to meet familiar golden eyes that shone with worry , but remained serious as he quickly tugged me close to him . I sighed in relief the spots began to disappear until I blinked hard , my vision coming back to see it was Ryder , my friend who had saved me from the panic attack. I silently thanked him we a small shaky smile which he visibly relaxed from as he plunged us through the crowds , people splitting like the Red Sea for the both of us many staring with wide eyes some fearful and some curious but I couldn't understand why. Before I could find out what made them look so scared I was being guided out into the not as crowded car park ,where North and Beckett were waiting by a huge black jeep wrangler.

Norths dark eyes softened slightly as we appeared through the crowds walking towards the both of the Taylor brothers , and Beckett grinned at me his eyes lighting up with yet another newfound mischief. We soon met up with them as the crowds began to thin out , and I forced myself not to cower into Ryder as people stared at us blatantly .

As soon as we reached North and Beckett , Norths eyes were on us expectant.

"So whats the deal? Who's going where? "

North asked us , his eyes mainly on me questioning . I knew I had to work , and felt a pang of sadness fill me that I couldn't spend the afternoon with Harry and the twins and East but we had to make a living somehow . And I also reminded myself silently that I had to call Tristan , the 20 year old guy who I had served at the diner who offered to teach me how to fight. I also silently told myself I had to go back to the house sooner or later as mother and Marie needed dinner cooked and ready for them both. I rubbed my forehead absentmindedly my head starting to hurt from all this thinking. But as I looked up at their expectant eyes , I knew what I had to do. Meeting Norths eyes , I softly asked him.

" Do you have a phone that I may please borrow? "

I asked softly, nervous. North nodded but as he was reaching for his pocket an expensive Iphone was suddenly thrusted in front of my face and I jumped slightly, startled as Beckett's cheery voice reached my ears.

" Here you go fairy floss! "

he exclaimed , his eyes happy as his eyes remained on me watching my reaction like a child showing something off proudly. I smiled at him, greatful and thankful as I carefully took his phone on my shaky hand.

" Thank you Beck."

I thanked him softly , meaning it and he beamed back at me and I began typing in the phone number I knew off by heart. The phone was on speaker and I didn't know how to turn it off and was afraid of breaking something so expensive , so I left it on speaker as I called papa Harry . After four rings though , he still hadn't answered which was extremely unusual for him. Feeling worry fill me I softly frowned down at the phone , and hung up again and dialled another number I knew off by heart , one I hadn't contacted for too long of a time.

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