Chapter:19 Normal

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Chapter:19 Normal
(Alexia's P.O.V. )

It's been a nearly a week now in South Carolina and today's a Sunday and I'm at Ashton's house from the night before , with Clavin currently washing my hair in his bathroom. Clavin finished washing my hair and for some reason I felt oddly reluctant to leave the bathroom , and I felt cold now that his skilful fingers had left my hair . I shook of the feeling and stayed silent , feeling nervous as Calvin gently pushed on my back sitting me back up again and I felt him wrap a towel around my hair and begin to dry it humming a soft tune.

Unlike many other times I enjoyed and preferred silence, it wasn't an uncomfortable one at all but one that I have heard of that friends have in all the novels. I swallow the lump on my throat. I'll never have friends . No one likes me , and ever will is what mother said. Suddenly Clavin speaks up and his eyes swim into view looking unusually worried .

" Hey little troublemaker , you okay? "

he asked me quietly his eyes scanning mine. I kept my guards up never once letting them down , and lied to him.

" I'm okay." I whispered quickly forcing a smile but it wavered . I didn't need to worry him. I wasn't worth it.

" Oy! Don't fucking lie to me trouble, now tell me the truth."

Calvin told me his eyes serious and I just looked back never once saying anything. But I saw the frustrated look in his eyes . Fine , you want the truth. I thought and let my guards fall down , showing him the truth head on . No going back now. I thought tears stung my eyes in pent up anger and frustration , sick of feeling hopeless and a failure to my own brothers and family. I heard his gasp but didn't look at him as I quickly threw my guards up again and stood up not caring if I had tangled hair.

" That's the truth."

I murmured my voice empty , as empty as I felt after all theses years. I didn't wait to see him look at me in disgust or call me a cry baby , instead I walked out the room in silence and back towards the living room my feet itching for a run in the forest, my heart longing to be free for only a few hours before I had to go back to the cage which is my household. But I couldn't.

I walked downstairs silently and saw East leaning against one of the walls arms crossed , never budging or taking his eyes of the other 11 other boys as Beckett gave Sam and Hunter a cookie each which they took with huge smiles , their eyes twinkling as they both thanked him before eating quietly and slowly. I watched as the other boys were split up in the living room completely. Dr. Drake , Mr. Grey , and Ashton were standing talking quietly to one another in a serious conversation , while Beckett was with the twins making them grin and giggle causing a automatic soft smile to touch my lips despite how empty and hopeless I'm feeling.

Emmet, North , and Ryder are all lounging on the couch talking to each other about cars , Emmet and North occasionally talking in another language to one another.

Aidan's playing a animated game on the floor on a tv that involves wrestling with a strange remote device in his hands his eyes intense as he presses the buttons furiously. And lastly Chance and Blade were hovering over a laptop pointing at different things on the screen on occasion and talking discussing something. North was the one to see me first and said something back to Emmet quickly in the other language that sounded a lot like Russian before standing up from the couch and heading towards me .

I had no time to think when he suddenly picked me up and cradled me like a baby against his chest, as he stormed back to the couch plopping back down. I felt my face heat and heard amused chuckles but I met Norths dark scary eyes but I wasn't afraid . I somehow knew that this big muscly beast wouldn't hurt me . He was frowning down at me scowling.

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