Chapter:16 Mutual Understanding

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Chapter:16 Mutual understanding
(East's P.O.V.)

We were walking down the sidewalk , and I stood a foot behind her , Alex as she gently tugged on my twin brothers hands walking back home.

I stayed quiet as I watched her , still angry at her , for lying to me yet again , but most of all hurt for her not trusting me that much , for keeping secrets from me , for not telling me. But I knew it wasn't her fault. I knew that she wouldn't lie to me ever , unless it was something too serious and bad.

I looked up from the pavement and watched her form a distance , without her even realising. But what I saw scared me , the sight of her empty eyes zombie like , staring ahead as she moved almost robotically. Her eyes were distant and I missed the sparkle she had in her eyes whenever she saw us , but lately she was growing more distant, more empty, the shine in her eyes wasn't shining as much, and I had a bad feeling that it happened ever since we moved . That something wasn't right , that she was worrying again . That something was hurting her , or someone . I had a sinking feeling that it was father , like I had though last time since we ran off into the building , and I felt a red haze of nothing but absolute loathe and anger towards that man now. I had a feeling that I was right , but she never spoke anything of it , usually stayed quiet and if we asked , she would just smile and say she tripped down the stairs or bit her head. The bruises , don't worry munchkins I just had a bad fall , I'm fine. And that was what made me angrier than ever , how she kept saying that but I saw past those guards , I saw the pain dancing behind her eyes , I knew she wasn't fine. Yet she lied again and again. Not only not us, but to herself. And he made her do this. Dad. I still couldn't bring myself to thinking that he would hurt her , that he should be the one protecting her but I would bet my life he's the one hurting her , changing her into this... Whatever she is becoming now and I know if I don't help her , If I don't save her in time that she's going to slip away. That I'm going to lose her and I just can't think like that.

I snapped myself put of my thoughts feeling angry for not realising sooner . For believing her lies , for not noticing how much worse she looks , for jot noticing the hidden bruises and make up she put on them to hide them. For not helping her , for believing my own sorry excuse of a dad wouldn't lay a wrong hand on his own daughter.

I looked up noticing that we were back home and I watched as she opened the back door , unblinkingly as if in a trance , her eyes still distant and I realised that she had tensed automatically , and that her hands were shaking, and that she was covered in goosebumps her face pale but she opened the back door and stepped inside the faraway look still in her eyes . I stepped inside warily having a bad feeling that something isn't right and just as I turned to close the back door and turned back around I saw dad storming towards Alex and us a big leather belt in his hands his eyes angry and bloodshot. I watched the look he gave Alex and I almost puked in disgust as he looked at her up and down and I could've sworn I saw desire flash in his eyes before they turned angry and He quickened his pace his breathing heavy and I felt fear cling to me for my own sister , who still hands seen him yet and he was coming towards us and her.

I shook her my eyes wide as I hadn't realised how right my instincts had been , and this made me feel sick, sicker than I had anticipated . She snapped out of her haze as I felt my heart pound in fear. For to only myself , but my brothers and sister. My sister who's like a mom to Me. And she is .

"Alex!!!!!!! "

I cried and that seemed to bring her back and suddenly she was pushing me and my the twins to the ground which I landed roughly against but what I saw turned my blood cold . But before I could scream out to her or take the blow myself , I was forced to watch in sickening horror as the belt landed harshly against Alex's face , knocking her tiny fragile body down the the ground . Her eyes had closed and I saw blood dripping from her face and hair , her once golden hair that is the most softest and beautiful thing I've ever felt , hair that belonged to me was now stained a horrible crimson red.

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