Chapter:2 Thoughts

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Chapter:2 Thoughts
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )

It's the second day since we have arrived from Atlanta to South Virginia.

My eyes feel heavier than yesterday and I know I can't evade sleep for forever. It's nearly been a week now. But I can't also sleep ever , not without the horrible nightmares and memories haunting me in even my sleep. If I ever pass out I'm lucky to get an hour or two sleep and that's about it.

Maybe if I escaped from the house and went for a walk with the three munchkins could hopefully keep me awake long enough. I'm broken out of my thoughts when Sam and Hunter stir in my arms and I'm suddenly greeted with two pairs of lit up green eyes that beam happily at me. Seeing them this happy I smiled softly at them and kissed both of them on the nose.

" M-morning munchkins."

I manage to just get out in barely a hoarse whisper and fight the newly awaken pain off again. I wouldn't be weak. I had to be strong for the boys. They both grinned at me and with their twin powers leaned over and both kissed me on each cheek gently at the same time and pulled back giggling. It must've woken little East up because he stirred sleepily and smiled at me and sat up launching onto the three of us hugging us all with his tiny arms kissing me cheek softly too. I can't help but feel the slight feeling of contentment as I drew them all in close to me and held onto them all , never wanting to lose them ever. I couldn't . I loved hem too much. They were my baby brothers. I never wanted the moment to end but I know that will never happen as yelling came up again and a door slammed shut next to my room, Marie. I heard her holler out that she's going out to the mall, and won't be back tonight as she's staying at a friends house. I felt my chest hurt in pain at the thought of a friend.

I've never been allowed to have one , and anyone that had gotten close or even breathed on me mother and father somehow knew about it and the punishments got worse and worse. I cringed at the thought but also felt a longing to have someone there , to find out what it was like to have a friend . What friends did , what fun they had. But I'd never find out. I'm not normal. No one will ever like me , I'm just me . I'm worthless trash. I sighed and pushed away thoughts away immediately pushing away the pain and gently plucked the three boys off my lap and kneeled . I debated on whether I was clear to escape and when the door slammed shut two more times and all that was lefty in the house was an eery chilling silence I soon decided it was safe enough, but only for a few hours.

"Q-quick, go get dressed munchkins."

I whisper shakily with my sore throat and I can't help the soft smile that touches my lips when I see their eyes light up with excitement and all of them rush over to open up the basement door immediately and quickly get changed. Well , I had to help them on shirts and pants and tie show laces but otherwise they were quick to get dressed. I quickly changed out of my dirty clothes inside of the closet making sure to have a bit of privacy and quickly changed into a matching pair of black old bra and panties with some black ripped shorts that were short but long enough still with a old loose grey knitted mid sleeve shirt and a old pair of black converses that had a few holes in them .

I quickly threw my mid length golden blonde hair into a messy high ponytail not bothering to brush it as I quickly grabbed my tiny old purse and what little cash it had left in it from my previous job which I had earnt money doing a few chores for neighbours, which I only worked for what I needed and nothing more . And all I needed was money for food for the boys and myself even though I didn't eat much as they came first , some daily items that mother and father never allowed as well such as clothes , water anything. I had also worked to keep my boys safe and entertained while they were in the basement at my old house in Atlanta. I shivered at the memory of the tiny , dark gloomy house that held so many horrible memories. Like when... No. I can't think about it. I need to push it all away , like I've done since I remember. But today I needed to stock up on our small food supplies that I had hidden from mother , Marie and father as I couldn't imagine what they'd do to me or my munchkins if they found out. I couldn't let them find out. And I wouldn't. I also needed to register my three boys into kindy here in South Virginia and i needed to register for the new school Morgantown public high school as well as if I'm lucky enough and if we still have enough time to quickly got to the school shop and buy school supplies and kindy supplies for the boys and en go for a walk in the forest.

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