Chapter:47 Fate

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Chapter:47 Fate
(Ally's P.O.V.)

I treaded softly on the grass , both Hunter and Sam in my arms fast asleep , and East a quiet but strong presence beside me . I didn't want to go in, the fear for my brothers strong , that I wouldn't be enough to protect them in this household, and once we go in there's no backing out now.

But I had to go back to the house, where mother and Marie were , where father was. I had to go back, or they'll get suspicious, and mother will punish me even more extremely, and I fear my brothers would be suffering along side me if this happened. I took a deep breathe, before opening the back door to our house, and listened intently for any movement in the hollow structure.


It was quiet, too quiet, and this left me on edge as I inched myself and my brothers inside, closing the door softly behind me. East scanned the room, inching closer to me as if sensing my thoughts. I silently nudged East , and we went up the stairs together, being mindful of mother possibly sleeping downstairs and Marie on the loose. I opened our bedroom door, and peeked in warily , and saw nothing out of place, yet I felt as if something were missing. Something important, but I couldn't place it for the life of me. Deciding the worry about it later, I walked into the bathroom Marie , the boys and I shared across from our bedroom. I felt the days grime starting to get to me , and wanted nothing more than a somewhat warm shower . The boys needed bathing too.

I turned on the bath tap to the right temperature , and put the plug in allowing the small bathtub to fill. At the sound of rushing water, both twins woke up and I gently sat the down , Sam swaying on the spot slightly as he blinked wearily up at me. I felt worry and fear twist like a jagged knife inside me as his wide innocent hazel eyes stared up at me, dim and almost lifeless, as dark circles almost resembling bruises marred the skin underneath his eyes . His once smooth tanned skin that was soft to the touch was now a sickly pale, and had a slight sheen of sweat covering his skin. His lips were pale and chapped, and he looked like he'd lost quite a bit of weight as well, which he couldn't afford since he was already so tiny. Fear filled me, that he was getting worse and worse, that I didn't have much time left with him, that he might not be able to be saved . Chemo and medication weren't working, and I was barely affording it.

But I as his wide eyes peered up at me , scared , exhausted, and vulnerable I knew I had to have hope, that I had to hold it for all of us, because if I didn't , who knows what he would be like, what we all would be like.

" Momma? Wime tiwerd."

Sam whispered his tone weak as he began coughing violently again. I gently pat his back hiding my eyes for a millisecond pulling myself together before facing him. I had to be strong.

" I know baby, but you and Hunter need to have a bath before you go to bed."

I told him softly, and watched as he nodded weakly before coughing again . He began to pull his clothes off , same with. Hunter and I clicked the door shut and helped pull Sam's shirt off before picking them both up and placing them gently into the warm water before turning off the taps. They began washing themselves quickly, knowing we could never take long since Marie would usually barge in or complain to mother. I gently washed their soft brown hair, rinsing it quickly before pulling both out and drying them down. Sam shivered in his towel but said nothing as I ushered them into the bedroom dressing them both before tucking them in together.

Before I was about to leave to have my own shower, a small hand weakly grasped my finger. I froze and tuned around to see Sam's scared eyes staring up at me.

" Will wou come back momma? " he asked shakily and I smiled softly , trying to reassure him as I kissed him on the head gently.

" Of course I will, I will always come back to you. "

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