Chapter:35 Wicked

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Chapter:35 Wicked
(Norths P.O.V.)

I clenched the steering wheel of my jeep tighter , seething with anger silently , as I did my best to hold it in so I wouldn't scare baby, god damn I'd rather hand myself on a silver platter to Mr. G (Mr. Grey) to skin me alive then fucking scare baby.

And it's all because of that damn kid in the back.

I stop abruptly at a red light being a bit to caught up in reeling back my anger , trying to contain it , and I see Ryder shoot me a look but I see sympathy in his eyes. He was just as angry as me, except he never really showed any of his emotions , and always kept quiet unless someone spoke to him directly. He only speaks really with family , and our brothers in our team . Except for baby. She's the only one he's ever spoken to outside our team or family, which consists of all 12 of us boys , including myself and most of us knew each other and grew up with one another when children , before we were even brought into the division.

I remember the intense pain in her eyes as one out if three of those boys walked straight past her , not even once fucking glancing at her heartbroken look as he acted as if baby never fucking existed in the first place .

No, none of us know what these three boys are to her , and hell I've only seen them fucking once , but by the way they acted , she acted , and looked at them with such love and softness made me think that they meant something damn close and special to her heart . I couldn't help but be jealous, of the way she looked at them with so much compassion , as if they were the only lights in a world full of darkness , she looked at them as if they meant the whole world .... No fucking universe to her .

And now I was sitting in my black jeep , at a red light trying to control my anger , making sure I did going fucking ballistic at that eldest kid , who had hurt baby. Who had acted like a total prick to her....pain surges through me as the heartbroken and haunted look in her eyes flashed through my mind , ingrained . Just even thinking about it hurts , how someone could even live with themselves for making her look like that. I shot a glare at the eldest kid who I remember baby had said was East before when she had told me rich kids and their snobby families were picking on him. I knew by the cold almost satisfied look in her eyes that she had retaliated somehow , and had did something , but what she'd never mention , she only told me that she had gotten justice for East, that she had stopped it all for now. And hell , If that cold look didn't chill me in the slightest I would be fucking lying as I felt her cold gaze like a snowstorm belting down on me .

As I looked at the kid East briefly, seeing him in the back back seat alone , glaring down at the floor, I knew then I wou don't allow him to get away for what he did to my poor baby, fuck....she had been so happy moments ago , the happiest I've ever seen her ...and he just ruined it all and broke her more. I silently promised to make sure he pays for what he did to baby, even how angry I was I forced the idea of physically giving him a bruise to tell him to snap out of whatever the fucks wrong with him . But then the thought of baby looking at me in so much anger and fear scared me , and I suddenly felt terrified she'd never forgive me , let alone look or talk to me ever again and I couldn't let her go, no I needed her more than I realised , fucking shit. So I settled for making sure or get a message straight through him when drooling baby and those three kids off at the diner . My mind returned back to how happy she had looked before this whole mess started , I even saw her fucking smile for the first time ever , a proper genuinely happy one and it made her look even more beautiful then she already is. Fuck I'm turning soft. I cursed myself silently as I put the jeep in drive .

To say I was shocked that she worked at my uncles newly opened diner was an understatement as I had never seen her there whenever I had my shifts on occasion just to earn some easy money for either some new car parts or a new paint job on my motorbike , but then again I wasn't there as often as Beckett.

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