Chapter:13 Cruel

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Chapter:13 Cruel
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )

I choked on a whimper at the painful memory and felt my heart in my chest clench tightly with the familiar pain reminding ,e every day that he's not coming back, ever. Even if a tiny part of me still hasn't given up hope yet , the rest of me is tired and exhausted from the never ending pain. But I have to keep going, I have to be strong for my three munchkins, I cannot afford to be weak. I feel hands clutch me and just as I'm about to push them away in fear I relax immediately as soon as I feel familiar hands stroking through my hair and let out a shaky breathe as East's and the twins scents fill my senses. I quickly compose myself and my guards and reach out and bring them all in my arms in a huge meaning hug like we always do. The twins both sitting on my thighs and East kneeled in between them with his arms wrapped around my neck and the twins cuddling into my sides.

I smile softly as they hug me tight but with gentle touches. I pull back slowly as my eyes meet Uncles over East's shoulder and I freeze up in shock and panic. Where am I? I feel my heart sink and my eyes widen In fear when I realise I hadn't cooked dinner for Marie, mother and father. Fear goose bumped my skin as i couldn't help but think about them punishing me again , or worse hurting my boys.

In my momentary weak moment I hadn't noticed Uncle had been watching me the whole time from across the diner , and that he had saw my guards falter slightly , and that he saw my fear. And just like a switch I threw my guards up as quick as lightening and welcomed the cold numb feeling wrap around me like a blanket as I buried my emotions. Showing emotion is weak father once told me. His words burning into my mind again and again . I stood up from the couch I had seemed to have somehow slept on in the diner and the unfamiliar blanket I had draped over me smelling a lot like fresh berries . My eyes flickered tiredly over to the clock on the wall and see it's around five thirty in the morning. Not even two hours sleep. But it's just enough to keep me going for another few days.

Just as I was about to say something a sharp pang in my stomach cut off any words and I winced and fell to the ground on my knees clutching my stomach. I heard Sam and Hunter cry and East quickly kneel infront of me through my blurred vision. I also saw uncle storming over out of the corner of my eyes. I couldn't hear what East was saying , but only saw his lips moving. I saw panic in his eyes as well as worry and that's what made me determined to get back up again and reveal no pain at all and hide it inside away from my brothers and uncles views so I wouldn't worry them even more . I don't deserve to be worried or stressed over , they already have enough to deal with.

With that I forced myself to stand up on my own and closed my eyes for a few seconds , biting my lip trying not to scream out and then opened them again , hiding the pain from view successfully and I smiled reassuringly at East which he looked at me suspiciously but let it go and let go of my arm gently. Sam jumped in my arms and I caught him in time again hiding the wince when he knocked my broken but slowly healing ribs slightly.

He looked at me with tears in those eyes of his which broke my already broken heart even more. I smiled softly at him and wiped away a tear and looked at him gently.

" Sssshhh, I'm fine Munchkin, see? Don't worry about me remember? I'm fine."

I cooed quietly and that seemed to calm him down and he looked at me underneath his eyelashes and smiled happily and kissed my cheek gently and he hopped down and ran over to East a huge grin on his face which my heart melted for. I'd do anything to keep it on his beautiful little face. I'm brought out of my thoughts when Hunter tugs on the bottom of my waitress dress which I have yet to change out of soon and looks up at me a scared look in his big beautiful aqua green eyes.

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