Chapter:41 Dear Life

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Chapter:41 Dear Life
(Valentines P.O.V. Continued)

I sit down on the grass and gently tug Pixie down next to me , being careful with her as she is too fragile. I see her weakly smile at me , but it didn't reach her eyes , and her smile soon fell as she stared out into nothing , the pain still in her dull eyes and it breaks my heart to see her like this. But I was feeling the same , as we both lost someone important and close to our hearts yesterday .

I sense a presence sit down on the other side of Pix and see the giant tanned guy who's one of the tallest and biggest guys I've seen , who's pixies friend , Ryder I think. He looks foreign , and still has a faint accent , and olive skin and dark features similar to mine , so I'm guessing he's somewhere from Europe as well. His eyes meet mine , and he nods a friendly smile on his face , but I still see slight wariness in the guys eyes . I nod back politely , not really wanting to speak with him , but out of all the guys who pix introduced me to , he would be the one I'd get along best with I believe , him and the gay punk one , Calvin I think.

I turned my attention off of him and onto pix again , frowning , worry and fear encasing my heart , as I saw her distancing herself again , her eyes dull and her face emotionless and it scared me , because I'd already lost her once , and I only just hot her back , I'm not losing her twice.

I lean back on my arms , and watch as an old farmer looking guy , who reminds me of our Harry , walks up informs of all us students , and I see his cold eyes wander over us and briefly soften on Pix before turning to stone again. It looks like pix could warm even the coldest of hearts , including our teacher . I watched as he whistled sharply , the conversation cutting off immediately and is knew he hated disrespect , and I knew he didn't like most people , especially these city people and students In front of him. But something told me he needed the money . And by the way every one shut up quickly he was a feared teacher by all. Except for Pix who was never scared of anyone , she was always so fearless, she always saw differently in people , how I don't know but she has a gift, she always manages to see the beauty in others , even in the most heartless of people.

" Today we're shearing sheep , but first you've got to catch them . You will be graded on the precision of how well you shear the sheep , and if I see one mark on them , you will be instantly downgraded . You will treat them with care , and will not physically harm them in any way or you'll find yourself out of this school quicker than you can say sorry. Now get up and get to the pen now! "

The farmer teacher barked and I watched as many got up , a group of jocks messing around , with those cheerleading whores either hanging off them or gossiping in a group behind them . Ryder stood up and went to hell my Pix up but I quickly shot him a look , anger flaring in me , as I still didn't trust him or anyone with my pix yet , I wasn't sure that he wouldn't hurt her , and I didn't like anyone laying a wrong hand on her ever again , like that wretched sister of hers does.

I watched his eyes darken but saw confusion on his face , but he got the message and backed off , but didn't seem to like doing so, but thankfully he started walking to the stables without a peep. Looks like I wasn't the only one who didn't like speaking.

I gently picked up a frozen Pix , standing her on her own two feet , but her eyes remained distant , and empty . She wasn't reacting to anything , it's as if she wasn't here , but physically she was. She walked beside me slowly, as in a zombie like state. I followed next to her , gently holding onto her by the elbow , making sure she doesn't fall, since she seemed so out of it . I noticed the class was ahead of us , but the teacher , he was heading our way , at the back behind us , a look of worry on his face, and something else as he looked at me . Although when he looked at me , his eyes weren't cold , and instead were slightly warm, friendlier.

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