Chapter:37 Glimpse Of Hope

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Chapter:37 Glimpse Of Hope
(Alex's P.O.V.)

It was now the end of the school day and I was heading to my locker alone since all four Aidan, North, Emmet, and Ryder were called out half way through gym class , and when I had asked Ryder had just told me not to worry about it and with that they all left leaving me feeling more vulnerable and alone than ever without them.

And as I drift through the horrible crowds in the corridors , I can't help but worry because they never came back to gym , even though Ryder had said it would only take a few minutes , but what was the 'it'? I couldn't help but think that they may be hurt or something had happened to one of the boys and the thought of either of those conclusions makes me feel sick.

I finally make it to my locker and just as I'm quickly putting our latest homework back in my black bag to take back to the house I spot same icy blue eyes meeting my own again and tense an uneasy wary feeling crawling in me as I take the boy in.

He looked to be old for a high school student, and looked at least 20 years old , even though he was in my music class. He wore tight dark blue jeans which clung to his massive legs and thighs , outlining the muscle and size of his legs perfectly , he had messy midnight black hair , which reflected in the lights , reminding me of a ravens feather , his eyes the same icy blue , as they stared at me , with an unreadable look. His face had sharp delicate features , which I was in awe of his beauty , with long black feather dusters for eyelashes , which just highlighted his beautiful frosty eyes even more . He had plump pink lips which looked to permanently be in a scowl and a pale complexion which glowed which added to his eery and mysterious demeanour.

He was tall , about 6'2 in height, rivalling Norths height and strength , but he was no match against Ryder's giant height of roughly around 6'5 - 6'7 and huge muscly physique .

He had the broadest shoulders I've seen , and I could tell most of his muscle was in his back , biceps and thighs for him, but I couldn't he'll but feel slightly intimidated by the size of him. He had a light barely noticeable black stubble along his jaw that looked a day or two old , but it made him look even more scarier as well as handsome . Overall he was one of the most beautiful guys I've ever seen in my life ...his beauty almost unnatural in a way. He was one of those people that were an image of perfection , in their beauty that they didn't look real , but he sure was real and he was heading my way, his icy eyes flickering.

But just as he went to step closer to me he suddenly paused and his eyes and facial features grew colder and I saw him shake his head and quickly turn around and leave , his fists tightly clenched and a pained look in his eyes as he quickly shoved in his black leather jacket before storming away through the crowds , which I watched with wide eyes as no one dared get in his way , and I couldn't blame them either as my heart continued to thunder in my chest and my head swirled with questions , who was he? And why did he keep looking at me like Cody did? But in a way , something was telling me he wasn't like Cody , as I didn't get that off feeling about him , I just felt....cold, as the oddly familiar scent of leather filled my nose but I couldn't quite place where I had smelt it before . I shook it off and closed my locker and jumped when Chance and Aidan's faces appeared on ever side of me out of no where .

I put a hand to my heart eyes wide as I looked at the both of them , Aidan chuckling to himself his normally serious hunter green eyes glinting with amusement , and I blushed from the amazing sound and saw chance smiling shyly , his emerald eyes worried. Just when Chance was about to say something Aidan spoke up first his hunter green eyes staring at me intensely.

" Hey Ally, do you want to join us watching North , Ryder and Emmet at football practise? It will only be a couple of hours max."

Aidan said quickly , his eyes hopeful and serious and I bit my lip , unsure but excitement was flowing through me. Oh my god! Me , plain old Alex was invited to my new friends football practise! I've never had friends before , so I didn't know how it worked , especially when it comes to the touches , but i assumed friends watched and supported their other friends in their sport , and stuck around for them to cheer them on. But what would I know? I've never seen a football game before , I've read many books about them , but that's different to reality. I suddenly felt my excitement and happiness drop as I remembered I had to go to work at the diner , all night , and I had to stop off and pick up all my boys and make sure mother and Marie were taken care if and that they had dinner cooked for them , and that mother had her medication . I felt my mood dampen and felt my heart clench in my chest at the thought of my East , how he was acting as if I didn't exist ever since two days ago. I swallowed thickly , suddenly upset.

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