Chapter:27 Mean it

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Chapter:27 Mean it
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )

Dr. Drake and the twins and I arrived at East's school moments later and I got out the car carefully still unused to being in cars as I've never been in one before . I gently shake Sam and Hunter awake as I didn't want to leave them in the car alone and I needed to talk to Mrs. Smith the 43 year old mother receptionist at the school who I've been helping out since I've been here as she lost her husband a couple of weeks before I arrived here . And I know what it's like to lose someone so close to your heart , when you'd never have expected it .

I grab both the twins hands and they clutch my hands looking up at me with big happy smiles and I feel my heart melt at the sight and knew if do no my thing to keep them happy and safe .

Surprisingly Dr. Drake followed me in trailing behind the twins and myself , and when I'd turned around he just grinned and winked which made my cheeks heat again but I silently felt comfort and safety fill me as he trailed behind us shadowing behind me closely. Many of the parents eyes were on us again and I shrinked into into myself hating the attention or their particular stares as it made me uneasy. I found East's classroom easily as I picked him up every day and leant against the bricks of the classroom outside patiently while the two twins chatted happily and giggled as they both played with each of my hands . I watched them as Hinter began making a wrong out of one of the leaves he had picked and I watched him as he threaded it together while Sam bounded happily playing with my fingers trying to decide which finger it should go on. I smiled softly at the both of them feeling love for them grow even more day by day as I watch them grow up infront of me . I look up with a smile placed on my face to see Dr. Drake watching the twins and I with an amused expression but I saw something flicker in his eyes but couldn't determine what. I smiled ah him trying to silently ask if he was okay as he seemed a bit lost in his thoughts . His eyes lit up and he grinned at me shaking his head . I toon that as a yes and just as I was about to say something to the twins the end of school bell sounded and I watched as kids many of them big and small teemed out of all the classrooms all of them running around happily shouting and chatting as they ran to their parents and played with their friends . It was a zoo in here but I was used to this busy surroundings , but obviously not Dr. Drake as I giggled as he looked so horrified and out of place as kids looked at him strangely and people bumped I to him let right and centre . He looked at me pleadingly silently asking if this was normal and I couldn't help the giggle at his face and nodded . Yes it was always like this. Suddenly I felt two arms pull me away from the twins and pull me in their small arms and wrap around my waist tightly .

I looked down slightly to see East looking up at me his eyes worried and protective and I saw tears in his eyes as well as anger, and I gasped horrified and paled worry and panic filling me as well as anger .

East's face wasn't the clear smooth tanned skin it usually was but his beautiful wild eyes were now swollen and his nose was gushing blood and it was stained all over his shirt . His lip swollen and bruises littered his arms and beautiful face . Tears stung my eyes as I felt sick and angry. Who could do this to him?! I let go of the twins hands and kneeled down infront of East my eyes cold and tear filled as I barely contained my rare temper . I've never felt so angry before in my life , and I felt heat flood my veins as my skin felt as if it was burning. I felt the need for blood, for justice , whoever did this to him wasn't getting away , and I'd make sure they'd pay. Mess with me fine , but my baby brothers , my babies , my family and you've crossed the line .

" Who did this to you? "

I whispered my eyes cold and calculative as I looked around me warily eyeing each child. East's eyes were angry but I saw intense pain in them and a bit if fear as his eyes instantly darted somewhere else avoiding my own . I followed his gaze to a group of boys who looked to be two years older than him smirking in glee back at us and pointing and laughing. I let go of East and stood up and felt my whole body go cold as I balled my fists but then saw them on their phones now and all of them had an electronic of some sort and all of them had rich expensive looking clothes , and I believed they were the rich kids group. Not one for violence and I knew that it would only leave a mark for a coupes of days and nothing more or permanent I knew it wouldn't be enough for me to show them karma and what they deserved.

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