Chapter:5 My Fault

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Chapter:5 My Fault
( Dr. Drakes P.O.V. )

As soon as Aidan had stopped the car by the emergency doors by the Division hospital I carefully climbed out the tiny bloody mess in my arms , I could barely see any of her features except for the slight few clean strands of silky looking golden hair left that weren't matted in blood. I could tell she was around 16-17 yrs , only 2-3years younger than me. But something about her , something about her drew me in as soon as I saw the tiny sleeping beauty. I shake off my thoughts and gently lay her on a gurney and quickly wheel her through the emergency doors making sure the three little ones are close by , especially the eldest who looked to be 7-8 years old, yet he seemed far too intelligent and strong for his age. Too grown up and mature. But I had promised him that he could stay with her , as I saw it in his eyes , the need to be near her very presence , to always be at least touching some part of her to know she's still there which I found suspicious and noted down every movement and their behaviour with this girl.

I quickly barked out orders to the other division nurses , feeling panic and fear of my own fill me for this girl. I couldn't lose her, I wouldn't. I had promised the child. And I wouldn't dare break my promise. I had managed to get her into a private hospital room and the nurses fluttered around everywhere getting everything ready for me . One of the stupid new trainees that I'm surprised is even allowed to be a nurse went to shove in a IV drip into her , but before she could even touch this girl something snapped in me and I shoved her hard away from the girl which sent the nurse flying to the floor , wailing and screaming even though I didn't shove her that bad . She shot a furious glare at me but I stood my ground and sent her a vivid glare and immediately saw her fake I don't care look falter as she really did look scared now. I looked to the elder nurse , Ms Nancy who I've worked alongside for years now and could definitely trust and barked for her to get the bimbo nurse out of here , and for her to be taken out by security and never return back. Ms. Nancy quickly sent me a grin and did as she was told happily as I knew she hated the new bimbo nurse and she yanked the bimbo nurse form the floor and dragged her out throwing her at security to handle.

I turned back and my eyes locked onto the eldest child's eyes that could only be described as wild , and I saw the shocked look on his face but also gratitude as he nodded silently at me and I knew then he trusted me slightly , which I sighed in relief and got to work on this broken girl. I ordered everyone out except Ms. Nancy the elder professional nurse and the room was filled with silence except for the quiet slow beat of her heart on the heart monitor . I knew that her heart should be beating more harder and faster , but it wasn't. It was slow , barely there and shallow. Ms. Nancy handed me one of the surgical knives and I cut her clothing if you could call it that off from her tiny thin body and was horrified at what I saw.

Her bones and ribs stuck out so much it made me pale at how anorexic thin she was. She was a skeleton. But what made me even more pale was how many of her fragile ribs looked broken , as well as the large bruising on her stomach but that could barely be seen underneath all the blood. I cleaned up her torso and with all the blood cleaned away , I gently put some arnica cream for her severe bruises and welts and then wrapped her torso up tightly but not to tight , gently with bandages so the ribs would heal on their own accord in time. I then began to clean up her face and as soon as all the dirt and blood was off I felt my breath leave me all at once when I saw how truly drop dead gorgeous this girl was. She had the longest darkest black eyelashes that any girl would kill for , as well the cutest button nose ever , and high cheekbones that complimented her already stunning face , and the tiniest cutest pair of full lips I had ever seen . Her skin was a light tan colour , and her hair which I had yet to wash , was a shiny gold colour that sparkled. But what made my heart clench in my chest was how her collar bone and neck was littered with bruises , as well as her face and those lips. I silently got to work on there bruises and put the arnica cream on them to heal the bruising and swelling quicker , and then plucked at spare shirt of mine from my doctors bag , and gently put it on her trying hard to avoid looking at her nearly naked torso that was only covered by a sport bra. I buttoned up my shirt on her and covered her tiny body , then tucked the blankets up and around her and stepped back again with a tired sigh of relief.

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