Chapter:29 Strike

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Chapter:29 Strike
(Alex's P.O.V. )

As Beckett parked this huge black jeep he opened my door and I looked at him confusedly but he just motioned for me to get out with a wink. I quickly got out fumbling with the metal strappy restraint thingy which I'd learned was called a seatbelt and felt my face heat as I thanked him quietly before quickly heading off to the girls gym showering unit and felt embarrassment fill me as well as shame that I has to shower under the free expense of a dirty public school before school started .

I quickly snuck in making sure no one was looking or following me before checking to see if the shower stalls were all clear and no one else was in here not wanting anyone to question or find out yet another one of the secrets I carried around on my shoulders every day , secrets I was ashamed of , secrets that I knew I had to keep , that mother and father and Marie could never find out I'd told anybody. Dirty secrets I loathed , as they were the balance of my three brothers life's , and if those secrets were taken off the weight my brothers would crash down and so would their lives , which they wouldn't be alive anymore if mother found out , which she always found a way.

I quickly undressed and locked a shower stall and quickly showered washing all the grime from my golden hair before rinsing and quickly washing my body in the sweet fairy floss flavoured soap which was my favourite .

I quickly turned if the shower not wanting to be late to classes and quickly dressed myself in a pair of old black ripped shorts the last pansy I had left and I hated showing off any skin in my legs because if you looked close enough or if you had a skilled or observative eyes anyone would see the faint scars on my legs . One was a raw angry one and if you saw it you could easily tell it was made by a knife as it had harsh jagged edges from where mother had dig it in my thigh and dragged it downwards slowly and painfully because a girl from school a couple of years ago came to our front door asking for my notes in class which mother immediately hit the girl and screamed at her , calling her horrible names which made her cry and run away , the only person in school who'd talk to me now hated and despised me and there was nothing I could do to stop mother doing and saying the pose awful things to her , there was nothing I could do to fix things .

There was a slight chilly breeze again today from yesterday's storm even though it's summer here and I already felt my legs erupt in goosebumps , cold but I had nothing else. I quickly put on an old black bra and clipped if before quickly buttoning up a long sleeve black and red checkered plaid shirt which was soft to the touch , acting as a jumper and shirt in one for which I was great duo as it bring me small amount of warmth .

I was to tired to out in some old spare concealer to cover the dark underlines underneath my eyes so I left it and stayed as far away form makeup as I could unlike most girls , as I hated the feel of it and the effort you had to put into it , because every girl and person is beautiful in their own unique way , and putting in a false face to make you look prettier isn't going to change anything , as long as you know who you are and who you want to be you should never fret over the concerns of others , as I was always told a wolf never concerns himself or herself over the opinions of sheep.

I quickly snatch up my small leather black bag pack which I had received as a gift from Harry years ago , which has never failed me once , and I quickly pushed in all my dirty clothes hiding them before throwing my hair up in a wet tangled mess if a high ponytail a few stray strands of my golden hair framing my face as if defiant against my will to put it up and I huffed quietly in frustration but didn't bother as I was nearly late for home room. I quickly dashed out the girls bathroom and sprinted to home room , sticking to the shadows , my black old beat up converses hitting the tiles lightly as I ran quickly to class arriving in a couple of seconds thanks to all the track training I once did and quickly took as seat near the back of the class seeing that mostly everyone was here now and were just sitting and chatting with their friends .

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