Chapter:6 Missing Piece

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Chapter:6 Missing Piece
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )

I snap out of unconsciousness when blood curling fear fills me when I hear the front door slam and suddenly I'm brought back to everything . I try to yank against my bounds but I force in a cry in pain when they strike my broken and bruised ribs again. I can see the three pairs of my little brothers eyes next to In front of me the two twins were sitting by the bench red cloths in their hands and East had been In front of me trying to loosen up the bounds I realised. I felt my heart soften but tears fill my eyes as I knew they shouldn't be seeing this , they shouldn't be helping me , heck they should even be doing this. They shouldn't know about this. My heavy eyes met Easts and alarm flared through me as I silently told him to grab the twins and get out of here. I watched him hesitate and saw anger and reluctance as well as worry in his eyes but I wouldn't listen. I wouldn't let them get Hurt.

" G-go, E-East."

I managed to choke out and his eyes hardened angrily at me but he quickly grabbed the twins shooting me a look before ducking back out the backyard and out of this empty house and I felt relief fill me as I slumped weakly against my bounds. They were safe now and that's all that mattered. Footsteps sounded in the front door passage and father stopped in the doorway of the kitchen spotting me surprise filling his sick eyes . He paused and I let out a shaky breathe of relief that he wasn't drunk or high like he usually always was. This was one of the rare occasions and I was definitely counting my lucky stars for it. His eyes that are now sober and confused and annoyed flickered over me , but I didn't see normal , sober eyes of my dad, all I could see was the drunk man that was usually him , my father who punished me everyday just for existing. He punished me and lamed me for My elder brothers disappearance in leaving for the army and never returning. He blamed me for getting rid of him , for disgusting my own brother so much that he decided to abandon the family. He blamed me for everything, including his own problems and misery. I was broken out of my thoughts when father spoke.

" Why are you tied up? "

he demanded gruffly as he came towards me and snatched up a knife which I flinched away from him which he saw and looked at me and I saw confusion and anger and realised that he didn't even remember breaking my ribs. He didn't even remember throwing me against my walls. He didn't remember spilling so much blood. I felt hurt fill me and quickly pushed away leaving me numb and instead whispered quietly and timidly to him.

" Mother thought I lied about where I was and punished me."

I whispered quietly and he didn't blink an eyelid at this but nodded like he already knew . He cut all the wires and shot me an impatient , tried and annoyed look.

" Go to your room and stay there ."

He ordered me and I heard tiredness in his voice and felt worry for him . I didn't voice it though afraid to anger him in sober form and quickly obeyed climbing the stairs quickly but before I could reach the top he called out my name which I froze in surprise but didn't turn and look at him. Instead I looked down at the stair I had paused on.

" I wanted to tell you that I won't be here for a week as I've got a business trip . I need you to take care of the house while I'm gone and take care of Ava and Marie and the three others for me. Don't make a mess and make sure Ava eats and drinks something every morning before you go to school, you know how she can get."

He ordered me and I shrunk into myself but nodded silently and I saw him nod in satisfaction before going into his and mothers bedroom and shutting the door. I felt my shoulders slump as I felt the heavy weight of everything I'd have to do already including all of fathers work for him on top. As well as go into mothers room to make sure she eats and drinks . I shivered in fear and swallowed thickly before quickly making it up the stairs and into my room trying not to glance at the blood stained mattress and walls , knowing I'd clean it up later and instead quickly picked out some black cotton shorts , with a black tank top and dark blue light sweater over top to cover the bandages and bruises on me. As I stripped of the top I immediately recognised the strange scent I had been smelling this whole time wasn't mine or any of my brothers of or mothers , fathers or Marie's. It was a male , and it smelt like apples. And it was a extremely expensive looking shirt . I realised it must've been Dr. Drakes and felt my face heat up but also felt sick that I had his shirt. That I couldn't afford clothes like this for my boys. That I had dirtied his good shirt. I promised myself silently to wash it when mother wasn't looking and hand it back to him later on . I ripped a sheet of white thin curtain clothe and wrapped it around my torso like a bandage as mother never stored any medical items in the house except for her hundreds of bottles of pills in her room. I found some anklets and quickly wrapped them around my ankle trying to hide where the rope and wires bounds had dug severely in.

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