Chapter:3 Disappeared

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Chapter:3 Disappeared
(Alexia's. P.O.V.)

It's now dark out and I had managed to get the boys and myself back safely without the stranger finding us which I had felt relief in . But I also felt bad that I had just left on the stranger like that , because he did save me from falling. But I had also let him see more than I should've . I need to keep away from him in the future,just in case. I couldn't risk it. Not when my boys lives are on the line.

It was now around midnight and the boys were fast asleep curled up into my sides tucked protectively under each of my arms as we huddled close for warmth as we never had a blanket , sheets , nothing. It wasn't allowed for us. I had already tried to sneak one in years ago , but found out the hard way that anything in the house was never ours Except the broken old torn mattress and what little clothes and belongings I had paid personally for for us all. I forced myself to stay awake again for the sake of me and my little brothers lives as well as the paranoia in my head and fear for sleeping. Fear for giving into unconsciousness willingly. It was all her fault that I can't sleep. I tensed at the familiar sound of the front door slamming open at this time at night or should I say morning now. Suddenly fathers angry shouts filled downstairs and I heard his pounding footsteps suddenly pound violently up the stairs as he headed for our room by the feel of the air shifting. I quickly jumped away form my brothers and shoved the mattress aside fear curling in the pit of my stomach more than ever as the door handle began to jiggle and I knew that father wouldn't be too far from breaking it completely to get to me and my brothers. I quickly picked up all my now awake and scared brothers and gently placed me in the attack telling them to stay put .

I felt tears sting my eyes when I saw the fearful and confused looks on their faces as father continued to kick the door. I could hear that he wasn't far from getting down. Any second now. And I knew if I wanted him to pass out long enough to take my brothers out the house for tonight that I'd have to wear him out. And there's only one way I could do that while keeping my brothers hidden safely. I quickly kissed them all and closed the basement door closing my eyes tightly at the pain in my chest, for seeing them so scared and fearful. It was all my fault. I should've protected them more, I should've taken them out long ago. But I had no where to go, no one to go to , no money , no job , no food and barely any clothes.

I'm snapped put of my thoughts as father breaks down the door , splinters flying everywhere and I meet his eyes without any emotion or fear. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction . I tried to stay strong , tried to keep the guards up hugger than ever never once revealing how fearful I really was. I met his cruel bloodshot eyes and cringed away feeling sick. I braced myself for the first hit , for all the hits letting the coldness take over and fill the emptiness in me and felt everything fade away and numb out until I couldn't feel anything.

I stood there as he stormed up to me furiously and picked me up by my throat tightly and threw me across the room to the wall and I bit my lip hard as my already sore and hurt body hit full force with the wall and multiple loud cracks could be heard and I winced tears stinging my eyes but I never gave him the satisfaction. He turned on me his eyes furious and determined.

" Where are they you stupid whore?!!! "

he snarled furiously but I would never dare tell him where they are no matter what. He wouldn't dare yo near them , he had to get through me first. He had to kill me first. I spat out blood and met his eyes emotionless and guarded hiding the agony I'm in.

" I don't know."

I lied but my voice came out in barely a whisper as it still felt raw from the lemon and vinegar cocktail mother had forced me to drink yesterday. He didn't believe me still and stormed up to slapping me sharply in the cheek which I held in a scream as he gripped my hair tightly and yanked my whole form up of the now bloody floor.

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