Chapter:48 Time

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Chapter:48 Time
(Ally's P.O.V.)

I quietly got up, unable to catch any sleep , and looked out to see it was now morning , the warm rays of the sun shining through the window enveloping us in a warm blanket .

It was another school day today , Wednesday to be exact, and I couldn't help but feel slightly down, the reminder of Sam illness getting worse was the only thing crowding my mind. I was taking him to treatment this morning and would stay with him for half the day, before Harry would pick him up and take care of him and let him have a rest whilst I spent the other half of the day from lunch to the end of school at high school . But Tristan , the blonde father guy who I had met whilst working at the diner with his son Jace who was around the twins age, (if you don't remember chapter:35 Wicked) , was going to teach me how to fight this morning and I was to meet him at his house at 5:00am in the morning every morning and it was 4:15 now.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed into a pair of loose plain black jogging shorts that used to be Marie's , and picked out a old black sports bra and a dark blue plain t-shirt I found folded in the bathroom which was probably Marie's but I had no other shirts and it was warm out today. I grabbed my worn beat up black and white sneakers that were nike and used to be Marie's also , before packing the boys bags for today . It was now 4:30am in the morning, and I made sure to tread quietly up the creaky unsafe wooden stairs , afraid mother would find me and punish me for what ever she believes I had done now. Harry had once asked if I hated how carefully I had to tread in our hollow household, but I guess I was so used and accustomed to it I hadn't had a chance to think about it. In our household it's every man survives for themselves .

I felt a sense of loneliness often, as Marie always snuck out , and father ever so rarely home as he always went on work trips, and over the years he has even become a workaholic which he never used to be. Sometimes I wonder if it were the fact that he couldn't handle mothers rash temper and hostility as she became sicker and sicker over the years, but I also wonder if it was because of me, and mother punishing me for all my wrong . He never once said anything about it , and I often beloved that mother was the one who overruled the household by far as she often screamed at him to do chores whenever he was here , and he often gave in quickly and did so silently. I had hopes that he would help me , that my own father would believe me , as mother punished me for stealing from her , something I'd never done in my life but he had always remained a forever quiet and observing shadow in our household, forever remaining in the shadows as mother forced me into the light , the centre of attention knowing I hated it. Marie never spoke with me , but whenever she did it was always whenever she shoved me or insulted me, or if she wanted something from me. Father although he had sometimes stumbled upon me being punished , he often dismissed me back to my room whenever mother has forgotten about me and my punishment before quickly escaping back to the confines of his own bedroom.

I wondered what life would be like if he did talk to me, if he was still the same man I knew when I was a child, and not the constantly drunk or over working one. I wondered that if maybe I had tried a bit harder to keep our father daughter relationship that he would be taking me out like Harry , that he would talk to me freely without short worded answers and rare few words he shared with me.

I couldn't help but feel empty. We were strangers in a strange family.

A bang sounded upstairs as I treaded softly upwards and the air shifted, a cool breeze suddenly filling the hallway at the top of the stairs. I froze , eyes wide and fearful , my limbs frozen as I remained as silent and still as I possibly could praying that more would not stir, that the medication she's been taking an insane amount of would be enough to keep her asleep. After a minute , and no alarming sounds coming from downstairs to signal that she did wake, I breathed a sigh of relief before continuing up stairs until I reached the top only to nearly bump into a dressed and messy looking Marie.

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