Chapter:18 Protect You

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Chapter:18 Protect you
(Mr.Greys P.O.V.)

I rounded up my whole team , making 11 of us in total including myself and Dr.Drake (Blake) . I stood in the middle if the room assertive and watching all of them my face a blank mask I have known for years .No one can see past it except Blake .

I looked around the room to see all of the boys sitting down in the couch , coffee table or floor. I counted them as my eyes drifted over each and every one of my brothers in my Division team.

Mr. Emmet Lorenz , the insanely muscly rough German, Mr. North Taylor the scary and intimidating Russian , Mr. Ryder Summers the strong tall but gentle giant , Mr. Blade Morgan the rich but humble and musical guy, Mr. Calvin Lock the bright cursing artisan , Mr. Aidan Steer the serious but good in really good in combat and fighting guy, Mr. Chance Steer the shy but highly intelligent nerdling twin of Aidan, Mr. Beckett Morgan Taylor step brother to North the playful guy and prankster of the group , Mr. Ashton Waters the smart and strategical nerd and team leader confident and strong, and lastly Mr. Blake Drake the highly flirty doctor who is very immature at time but is serious and good use when need be , my best friend since I joined the division. The none who's been there at the start for me and helped me save all these boys who are two years younger than me and have all become the brothers and team I never had at the age of 16 now.

I cleared my throat immediately getting their attention and kept my blank mask in face trying to hide my amusement as all ten of their head snapped around at the same time and the room became utterly silent.

" Now I would like to inform you all that there has been a bird , that has recently just flown in and needs to be taken care of as she has a broken wing. "

I inform them through code just in case the tail we had been trying to get rid of on the way here was still here and listening in . Bird is code in the division for girls or females , and dogs are males .

I watch as understanding dawns in their eyes as well a curiousness and some others looking rather serious, confused and annoyed.

" She is awake and is a but skittish from what I have seen , so please handle her with care ."

I warned them all sending silent threats in my eyes as I knew by just observing ms. Clarke that one wrong move can have her bolting out the closest entrance or window . But what I have noticed recently is how whenever she walked into a room she is always wary and very aware of her surroundings and every single movement in the room , and always remains tense and uncomfortable , her eyes always flickering to the closets exit which I have found as strange but intriguing. Whether it's she's uncomfortable or shy around people , or uncomfortable around males specifically or doesn't like being inside is the question that's kept me up all night. I silently reminded myself I would be getting a report back from uncle tomorrow who had said he would grab all the information he could and documents on Ms. Clarke as quickly as possible . I have also asked Mr. Blade Morgan to construct a background check on her to give me an idea of what really our team of brothers is handling here. I'm brought back out of my thoughts when I hear soft distant , almost silent pattering of feet heading our direction.

I looked to my other brothers who were chatting quietly between themselves looking curious and confused and saw none of them seems to have heard of noticed the soft patters of feet . I knew I could only just hear it barely as I have a very great sense of hearing compared to all my other brothers and I've always been very aware of always accessing my surroundings as well.

I decided not to say anything yet as I listened to Ms. Clarkes almost silent footfalls. As I listened silently I knew they were too quiet and were always very carefully placed , each foot placed with great consideration which I found unusual as she moved her way throughout the house moving swiftly , reminding me a lot of the hunting techniques some animal species used today when on a hunt or moving through unknown territory. I frowned at my weird connection and quickly dismissed it storing it away for later .

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