Chapter:14 Figure

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Chapter:14 Figure
(Alexia's. P.O.V.)

I bolt up in the bed choking on a scream but suddenly familiar hands are on my cheeks gently cupping my face , and words are being said to me but I can barely register anything. My eyes lock onto familiar hazel eyes that have gold flecks in them that usually are glowing and cheery, but all of it's gone and the good flecks aren't shining like they always do. Something's wrong. Then I manage to recognise those familiar eyes as Dr. Drakes. I try to calm my breathing and watch his eyes , studying him and frowning to myself when I see his eyes are dull and over exhausted , and he has huge bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. I look around me and notice I'm in a hospital. I feel panic rise in me as everything suddenly crashes back to me.

Sam. Seizure. Grey. Blood. I quickly push the kind doctors hands as far way form me as possible and I go to get up and bolt into the corridors but something's not right . And just before I can figure out why I'm here laying on the bed I collapse to the ground a whimper tearing at my throat as I try to stand back up but just as is about to hit the floor two enormous tattooed arms wrap around me and scoop me up . An unfamiliar touch and scent hits my nose and I begin to panic as my vision darkens and the fear for Sam hits me harder as well as the panic and urge to get to him . I thrash wildly against this huge person desperate tears stinging my eyes as I try fighting harder to get away from the strong arms and to my baby.

"L-let go!!!! "

I scream but wince when my throat burns . The arms only cradle me tighter to the large chest and I'm suddenly injected with something and after a few minutes of struggling and fighting to get away I feel my body weaken and slump even more suddenly tired and drowsy. I stare at the wall infront of me with tears knowing , feeling hopeless and helpless to get away. They did something to me and now I can't get to him. I-I I'm too weak.

I hear an unfamiliar husky deep voice sound from underneath me.

"Don't cry , baby. Tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it."

The person holding me grumbled but I could hear a tinge of panic in his voice. His voice was so loud and scary I flinched at first but then slumped in weakness a tear slipping free , slowly making its way down my cheek but I paid no attention to it. I felt as if in a zombie like daze. My mind was foggy and I wasn't in complete control of my body as I had the sudden urge to sleep.

" S-Sam."

Was all I managed to whisper out still avoiding the kind doctor Drakes eyes and the strangers eyes who was holding me against a very built and firm and freakishly strong and warm chest. I heard a sigh throughout the room and faint footsteps before Dr.Drakes soft voice met my ears as I felt two fingers gently place em selves under my chin and I flinched away but the doctor still gently tilted my head up forcing me to look him in the eyes . I had managed to hold up my guards somehow but I was struggling to keep them up as whatever they put into me , was taking effect quickly. But my eyes remained as empty as I feel and the fear and worry for not only my Sam , but my other two brothers was still there. But I couldn't voice anything as my mind was completely mush, as if I had no control in what I was saying at all.

" Is he one of the twins? "

Dr. Drake asked me softly . I just nodded weakly my eyes feeling heavy all of a sudden as I snuggled closer to the big ginormous warm chest , feeling cold and scared. I heard a growl rumble through the guy strangers chest that sounded almost like a purr . I didn't register the sound though , or the man still holding me so gently for someone so huge. All I could think and worry about we're my three brothers.

" What's wrong with him? Where is he at the moment pumpkin? "

the doctor asked me his eyes focused and gentle as if trying to talk to a scared kitten. I swallowed but this time I had managed to somehow speak even if by miracle.

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