Chapter:39 Weakness

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Chapter:39 Weakness
(Alex's P.O.V.)

I clutched her once tawny fur to me , feeling the hot tears fall one by one , silently as I cried silently into her matted fur. Her once golden wild eyes now stared back at me tormented , pain filled , but most of all lifeless .

It was my Nadia. My alpha. My mother in more ways than one. My hope.

And she's dead. Someone did this to her . They tormented her , killed her slowly , painfully , enjoying her suffering . But all I could feel was intense pain as my heart broke with pain like no other , my lungs collapsing in on me , and I found it hard to breathe as it was my worst nightmare come true.

I fought of unconsciousness as I sobbed into her fur my head trying to grasp whats just happened , she can't be dead , she can't be!!! I muffled my pain filled scream that rose in her bloody fur , blood was everywhere , I could feel it pooling around me and that other man , the beautiful one with black hair and ice blue eyes I had seen in the hall at school and in my music class.

I heard sirens but paid no attention to it as all the wolves around howled their grief , I heard their pain and answered it with my own broken scream . They'd taken her from me , someone did this to her , how ...why... Who could do such a thing ..why!!!!

I felt the black haired boys hands on my arms trying to pull me off of Nadia , but I fought him clutching to her dead body , unwilling to let her go , unwilling to believe she was dead . Tears cascaded down my face and a fleeting thought in the back of my head warned me that I had to work at the diner , warned me that my brothers were still waiting in the parking lot at school with the twins , but everything seems to fade away and all I felt was immense pain and loss , as if half my heart was ripped out again , and a thousand knives were stabbed into me as soon as I saw her , what someone did to her , my Nadia , my wolf. My alpha , my pack. My family. My friend. My heart.

The sirens had caught up and many voices could be heard and many hands were trying to pull me away , officers demanding I let go , surrounding me , paramedics , everyone , the neighbours , people I didn't know... It was too much , I couldn't breathe ...... I wasn't letting go...... The blood ......drip.....drip......drip.....drop......drip.......drip.......drip......drop

I screamed again my body rattling with sobs as I fought against them, everyone , I was stuck again , my vision blurred , they were taking me away , those men , the cages , the chains , those poor poor girls. Fathers hands and mouth on me , forcefully kissing my neck , trapping me , sliding all over me Mothers hands on me , pulling , hitting , her angry eyes , Marie's hands shoving me , kicking me until I bled to death.......those men......their hands , the needles , the chains , the chair , the sack , the darkness.....glowing eyes

I fought against them screaming , a haze taking over me as I lashed out wildly , they were taking me away from her , they'd found me , those scientists , those white cloaked men, the white , cynical cold white room,

I screamed louder swinging , kicking clawing as I reached my breaking point , blood everywhere on me , Nadia's blood , my blood , other peoples blood , tears blurring my base filled vision. Suddenly all the weight and hands were gone as I curled over Nadia , burying my bloodied and tear stained face into her fur , that was once a comfort , a cloak of brown red fur that kept me warm , safe , protected .

I felt two strong arms wrap around me and went to fight it again , screams and chocked sobs , a red haze in my vision, everything spinning , my heartbeat pounding , alive when I wanted to be dead.

Suddenly a familiar faint voice broke through the haze , and I forced the wild crazed wolf girl I had been years ago , the one who knew only of loyalty , pack and survival. Who only knew of order and the cruelty of the nature.

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