Chapter:40 My Purpose

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Chapter:40 My Purpose
(Alex's. P.O.V.)

I'm woken by val shifting behind me , and feel my cheeks heat as I remember that I'd slept in his protective embrace for the first time in years last night , and missed the comfort it brought to me when I was a child and he'd take me back home to his and Abuelas small but cosy house, and keep me for the night , giving me a safe refuge away from mother and father , for which he never knew but I was for ever grateful for . He even stayed over some nights with me when I was at Harry's farm , and we both stayed in the spare bedroom there , where most of my belongings and his were since we visited so often it was as If we lived there .

I smiled small at the memories but felt it falter when my heart squeezed with pain from yesterday , seeing Nadia's tormented dead body and a sudden pang of pain and sadness filled me as I bit my lip fighting the tears that threatened to fall.

As If sensing my thoughts, I felt Val draw me impossibly closer to him , my back pressed tightly to his wide but warm hard chest , and his two huge tanned muscled arms that held me like protective vices cuddled me further into him , a soft sigh escaping his lips as he shifted his head to a comfier position in the crook of my neck relaxing again once comfortable , his breathes turning even again as he settled down. Involuntarily , my body relaxed almost immediately under Val's familiar and ever so soft and protective touches , and I fought back sleep that wanted to take me under again .

I felt a funny feeling in my stomach as Val's fingers gently spread open just above my belly button , and pushed aside the funny feeling feeling uncomfortable with all these weird feelings I don't know inside me , and gently buried my face further into the soft pillow my eyes falling shut again as Val's familiar soft fingers traced patterns into my shirt , as if gently strumming the guitar he used to play all the time , and I felt sleepy at the strangely soothing touch and it was enough to make me fall into another light sleep.

I was woken up by another nightmare , and felt a light sheen of sweat cover my skin , and my hands and skin felt clammy , and my stomach churned violently , my head and heart pounding in rhythm .

Without a second thought I quickly wriggled out of Valentines arms , and ran to the bathroom quickly , not bothering to lock the door as I emptied what little contents I had in my stomach into the toilet bowl , my stomach panging with a painful hunger and sickness , and my ribs sore as they knocked together as I heaved .

I felt gentle hands in my hair , brushing it back and holding it for me, and a soothing warm hand gently rubbed up and down my back. After a few more minutes , I slumped backwards into Val's arms weakly , and felt him hold up pretty much all of my weight . I leaned my head back on his shoulder , suddenly feeling tired and drained , and felt val gently brush his hand through my hair .

" You okay, Pix? "

I heard him speak quietly , and not feeling like talking I just nodded and forced myself out of his arms , swaying slightly when I was up , the pang of hunger slicing through my stomach , but I ignored it and silently stumbled my way over to the sink , grabbing what I assume to be Val's toothbrush and wetting it before putting a line if toothpaste on it, and began brushing my teeth trying it rid the burning taste of acid and bile in my mouth , Val's eyes on me the whole time in the mirror , but I refused to look at him , afraid he would see how truly weak I was feeling .

I rinsed my mouth before spitting it in the sink and quickly washed Val's toothbrush with shaky hands , before putting it back and drying my hands . As I was drying my hands , Val came up behind me without me realising and I felt his hands gently grasping my elbows from behind and I tensed and flinched instinctively but he didn't move , but instead flipped me around sharply so I was facing him , his pretty amber like cat eyes narrowing on me his face and eyes dark , and if I was a stranger I would've thought he was trying to scare me , but I saw worry behind his dark eyes .

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