Chapter:9 Already Gone

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Chapter:9 Already gone
( Ryder's. P.O.V.) (aka the gentle giant :) )

She turned in me as soon as she quickly said she was fine then she practically bolted away from me as if hell was on her heels. I frowned to myself and had a bad feeling the tiny beautiful new girl who was the most stunning little angel I've ever seen in my life .
Her golden hair glowed like a halo in the sunlight and as soon as she turned her pretty face on me , I truly believed she is an angel.

But I knew she wasn't okay. I saw it in her eyes as soon as she looked at our teacher the grumpy , ice cold , scary farmer guy , Mr. Parks. I saw the flash of pain in her eyes and something else , as if she had rmeenred something. But I also didn't miss how she had smiled softly at the grumpy hard ass country old guy , and I nearly fainted in shock as I saw him smile , yes I said it he actually smiled at the tiny angel.

My eyes followed on the ground as I debated whether or not I should take her to Dr. Drake, and Mr.Grey. She did look externally pale and her eyes were unfocused and dull. I picked my gaze up from the ground and saw that practically the while class were quite a way away and as I looked harder , I couldn't see the tiny angel anywhere . I halted my steps and looked behind me my breathing unsteady as I began to panic . I could've sworn she was here only a few seconds ago. Suddenly my eyes landed on something tiny that had just collapsed completely onto the muddy ground and curled into a fetal position shaking and tembling, whispering to herself. I quickly sprinted up to her and gently knelt down not caring if my knees got a bit dirty compared to her completely dirt covered form. I gently shook her.

" Angel, little angel open your eyes darling. Wake up , darling."

I told her softly shaking her gently afraid my large hand was going to brake her tiny too thin and bony fragile form. She just was too tiny. I began to panic when she wouldn't open her eyes and her now pale lips moved but no words came out. Her whole body rattled with trembles as she pinched her eyes shut tightly. I quickly decided then what I was doing. I quickly but gently picked her up by the armpits then cradled her tiny form against my chest holding her tightly to me, and shivered as she was ice cold. She opened her big innocent grey eyes and instead if the guarded wary look I saw vulnerability in her dazed , blurred glassy eyes that seemed off , as if someone had drugged her or she's on drugs . She closed her eyes again and snuggled in to my chest her tiny head resting in the crook if my neck her cold lips gently brushing it and I fought back another shiver and not form the cold this time. Her tiny cold shaking hands gripped my shirt clutching it to her shakily as I began walking quickly away form our class group and towards the main building where Dr. Drake and Mr. Greys unmarked office was. She was shaking more and then suddenly went still as she relaxed I to my hold her eyes opening briefly to reveal pained tears, before her eyes closed again and she whispered something into my neck which completely left me utterly confused .

" Don't leave me ever again , Bae."

She murmured quietly before she went completely limp in my arms her breathing gone completely. I felt panic and confusion well in me as I quickly began full on sprinting towards docs office , stuck in my own thoughts and desperation to get this tiny angel to doc as fast as I could. Something's happened to her , someone's drugged her or she's drugged herself , but I didn't believe the latter excuse at all. She wouldn't drug herself , she didn't look like the girl to take drugs and showed no signs of drug use either . But what scares me is the pain I had saw in those dark grey hidden eyes that I'm positive aren't her natural colour. I saw a crippling pain that was so dark and haunted I even felt it myself. But no matter how I tried to look away from those hypnotic eyes , that were crippled with a pain so strong I've never seen before , I couldn't look away.

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