Chapter:12 Lie

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Chapter:12 Lie
( Alexia's. P.O.V. )

I quickly walked towards the grey BMW , that looked so similar to his BMW car...No. Don't think about it. Not now. Not while East is in danger. Family first , always remember? I was shaken out of my thoughts when Calvin opens the front seat door and stands there holding the door staring at me expectantly. I frowned in confusion , and panic as I felt myself grow more and more anxious to get to my brother and beg for his forgiveness even though I don't deserve it , or him. He's too good for me. Suddenly Calvin's voice breaks my thoughts and I see him frowning at me as if stuck in his own thoughts but he quickly grins but it's not as big as it was before, instead it holds something else.

" Oy, you gonna get in already trouble? Never been in a car before or what? "

Calvin jokes and my eyes widen and my guards go up high as the familiar feeling of being an outcast hits me , again the pain of not being normal, knowing that I've never even been in a car compared to everyone else. That I'm someone just barely living, someone that shouldn't be alive as mother says. I turn my face emotionless and tread carefully and warily towards the car feeling scared and nervous and sick. I've never been in a car before , let alone with nearly complete strangers! What has gotten into me? Determination to get to my East as quick as possible , fear of losing him that has driven me to extremes. I try to stop the shaking in my hands and quickly duck my head avoiding eye contact submitting to him like mother says I have to do to everyone as I don't deserve to look people in the eyes . That's I'm not good enough to be able to. That people like me aren't allowed to.

I say a quiet thank you in barley a whisper before quickly obeying him and sliding into the seat and look confusingly at the contraption with a metal piece attached to it next to me. Calvin smiles at me and shuts my door and gets into the backseat and does something with the metal contraption thingy before quickly pulling out his phone and tapping something on the screen . Blaze slides into the seat behind the wheel and does something with his metal contraption thingy as well that looks like it's bounding him to the seat, trapping him in restraining him back and I feel myself pale and feel sick at this. Blaze turns on the car and goes to reverse backwards but his eyes look down at me with confusion and with an unhappy frown.

" Put your seatbelt on , princess, just incase we have a crash."

Blaze tells me softly and I feel confusion fill me at the unfamiliar word. What the heck is a seat...belt? Suddenly looking unhappy blaze reaches around me his arm only a few centimetres away from my face and I I struggle to breathe. My brain wouldn't function. My body stiffened as it prepared itself for a blow or two. All I could think that: he's too close , he's too close. I felt my stomach churn and my head pound as I flinched away from him and tried to move away but he pulled something over me , the metal contraption thingy and I felt it tighten and sliver it's way around me constraining me in and that's when I lost it.

I quickly shoved his hand away and tried to push the metal contraption thingy as far away from me as possible fear settling in and tears filled my eyes . He's just what mother warned me about , why didn't I listen to her? He's going to hurt me , he's going to kidnap me and tie me up just like she does. He's going to rape me and I can't do anything about it. I continued to struggle and writhe against the sets trying it get away from the scary metal contraption thingy and away from Blade . Tears sting my eyes as I felt he fear fill my veins.

"N-no! S-stop please! Get it away from m-me! "

I stuttered in my panic and suddenly Blades hand dropped the metal contraption thing and I flinched away from it my hands shaking as I wrapped them tightly around me and protectively over my heart as I sunk back into the seat away from Blade. I looked up fear still in me as I met fire eyes that looked panicked and scared, as well as confused and gentle. Blaze lifted a finger up to my face and I quickly squirmed away cowering away from him before flinging open the door and sprinting out , not once looking back . It's not worth risking it anymore , I have to get away from them and get to East NOW. I pushed my tiny legs to their hardest and felt the familiar calming rush of the violent wind hit against my body and the energetic feeling as I sprinted towards my brothers primary school. I avoided all propel although I felt many eyes on me but I was too filled with fear and panic to care. I had to get time him, I have to. Tears stung my eyes as I finally reached the primary school and I almost cried in relief when I saw familiar soft brown curls that belonged to my baby brother East.

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