Chapter:7 Fragile

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Chapter:7 Fragile
(Alexia's. P.O.V. )

After spending time in the meadow with my three brothers who mean everything to me , they came back all with beautiful smiles on their faces that I want to keep on there forever if I could. And I vowed I'd do anything and everything it took to keep them happy , to make them happy .

I had managed to get us all home just before mother arrived home with Marie none of them even noticing my presence , as Marie headed upstairs with heaps of expensive looking shopping bags full of expensive brands overfilling with more brand new clothes and items she never used nor appreciated. I watched her run upstairs shoving me sideways and into the wall hard causing a sharp wheeze come out of me and I struggled to breathe. I began coughing violently but she just slammed her door shut hard which I flinched at the familiar loud sound that I should be used to now , but I wasn't because every time I heard it it always meant punishment . I was paralysed as I continued to cough violently pain wracking through my ribs which tears stung my eyes as my body shook violently as I struggled to breathe. East quickly came next to me in a flash and wrapped my thin body bruised arm around him and I used what left over strength I had to force myself up and I tried to walk on my own but I wasn't strong enough. I ended up leaning on East who supported my weight with ease as he practically carried me to our room which I was thankful I had quickly cleaned up all the blood but felt my heart sink when I realised I couldn't save the old broken and torn mattress , the only thing we had provided in the room to sleep on. I weakly opened the door and stepped into the dark room which was now spotless of any marks or stains . I found our one blanket we all shared which was small but it served it's purpose . I gently laid down near the corner not bothering to change into my old sweatpants and looser top . I helped my boys get changed before quickly brushing all their teeth and then tucked them all in , and they curled automatically around me as I sat up with my back propped up against the corner wall , wide awake while my three mankind slept soundly around me.

I let out a tired shaky breathe trying to will the pain in my ribs away but it never relented. Instead I let myself retreat back into the numb cold blanket that wrapped around me like a safety blanket. I fought off sleep another night , staying to watch over my three little brothers my thoughts tangled and my head pounding. But I knew sometime I had to give in to sleep , and it would be soon , too soon.

It was now roughly 7:00am in the morning and father had already left early quietly disappearing almost but I had caught the huge suitcase he took which was packed full of stuff which I frowned softly at , but dismissed it. Mother and Marie were still out like a light and I could hear Marie's loud snoring which didn't help my already pounding head. I decided it was time to get my three munchkins up and ready before Marie and mother woke up. I gently shook them all awake and East was the first one stirring quickly as he was a light sleeper like I was and he nodded silently and unattached my other two munchkins off me so I could get and make breakfast for Marie and mother and so I could hopefully sneak some food for my three munchkins without getting caught. I quickly descended downstairs silently my body rattling from the fresh morning air and how weak I was at the moment. I was starving but I knew mother would weigh me again soon to make sure I was staying like this , in a weak state and to make sure I haven't eaten anything.

I pushed my thoughts away and blocked out everything as I quickly made Marie and mother special restaurant quality omlets , with bacons and eggs and some pancakes , with some juice and milk. I set up the finding table for only the two of them my fingers shaking when I placed the fork and knives down as tears stung my eyes at the memory of how I learnt the hard way that bitches like me don't belong at the dining table.


My little tiny weak four year old child stood at the stove top on a stool cooking for father , mother and Marie and Baedon, my older brother but he wasn't home yet and wouldn't be as he was at a friends house. I set up four places , and set the food on the table for all four of us since Baedon wasn't coming home tonight. I smiled proudly at myself making sure to hide my smile as mother said it looked like the joker choking on something while 'giving birth' whatever that was. Tears stung my eyes as I remembered that that was the first time mother had hit me. And it hurt. But she didn't stop even though I asked her to quietly. But mothers sick,it's not her fault. I told myself , it's mine . I was the person who upset her, I deserved my punishment. I thought as I sat down at my place that's usually next to Baedon but now I was sitting next to daddy which scared me a little be aside he's always angry at me even though I apologise like I should when I've done something wrong , but I don know what I did to upset daddy. I pushed my outs away as I heard pounding footsteps and a very strong flowery perfumed smell that made me sneeze that belonged to Marie. She shot me a glare and pushed me off my chair before sitting in her own and started shoving down the food.

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