Chapter:31 Let Go

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Chapter:31 Let Go
(Mr. Greys P.O.V. Still)

Class quickly finishes and Ms. Alexia Clark is the first to quickly disappear from the room and then soon slowly the rest of the students. I begin to tidy up some paper work on my desk but overhear the raven haired Ms. Clark and her friends voices speak .

" Are you like related to her? "

I glance up slightly from my papers to see a shorter girl ask the brunette Ms. Clark who rolls her eyes and sends the other Inappropriately dressed girl a dirty hate filled look. I watch the interaction silently with a blank face little to their knowledge.

" No way in hell am I related to that dog , I mean she's feral and wild and ugh, I can't stand the worthless trash. Why the hell would you even ask if we're related? I mean it's not like we look anything alike , I mean she's the ugly neighbourhood whore and I'm the pretty popular one, aren't I right? "

Maria said venomously before smirking as the other girls quickly agreed a slight panicked look in their eyes but I saw confusion in one bleach blondes slutty girls eyes as she looked at Maria.

" But I saw her come out of your house today when I picked you up, so she must be your sister if she's living with you right? "

the bleach blonde girl asked Maria and I saw Maria's eyes go ice cold as she slammed the bleach blonde girl up against the wall her eyes cruel and full of loathe.

" She's no sister of mine , nobody cares about her or her freaking miserable life , and neither should you."

Maria snarled at the poor bleach blonde girl and I even flinched myself from the such hostility and venom in her every word which was filled with such hate , such hate I've never heard or seen before from anyone , not even from the unstable criminals I've had to take down before were this cruel. I watch the bleach blonde girl swallow nervously and quickly nod as she stutters as Maria drops her to the ground again.

" Y-y-you're right I-i-I don't care , i m-mean she has a u-ugly s-scar on her leg, a-and she d-dresses like s-s-s-some poor h-homeless girl and s-she's not even p-pretty."

The bleach blonde stutters and I see the lies in her eyes as she insults whom I believe to be Ms. Alexia Clark . I watch the interactions between the group of girls and Maria and feel a sudden coldness towards them but just as I stand there is suddenly a tall dark looming figure that stands over all the girls which I choose to stand back and watch as this figure looms over all the girls . I soon quickly recognise it as the scariest gang leader from before , and I watch as he glares harshly at all the girls , but his eyes were locked onto Maria and all the other students left in my class quickly run past them desperate to leave before a fight starts and they themselves get caught up. I do nothing as I watch it unfold , interest filling me as I let just one fight to unfold in front of me and tell myself I will step in when necessary.

" You talking about that Ally girl? "

the gang leader guy from before whose name I remember to be Kellan grits out through his teeth his cold eyes never leaving Maria's . I watched as Maria's head snapped towards him and I didn't miss the seductive look she gave him as she trailed her perfectly manicured red nail down his chest but before it could even touch Mr. Kellan his hand shot out of his pocket with such lightening reflexes and speed and I could have sworn I heard a crack echo throughout the room and a cry in pain and saw Maria gasping her face scrunched in pain as she glared at Mr. Kellan who glared back at her and released what I assumed to now be her broken hand . I watched as the rest of her posse quickly left her fear in their eyes until it was just Mr. Kellan and Maria left in my class , none of them realising I was still in the classroom or even listening in at all.

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