Chapter:43 Unbreakable Bond

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Chapter:43 Unbreakable Bond
(Ally's P.O.V. )

I stirred , a soft creaking sound waking me , and I sat myself up fear prickling me as I felt the air around me shift as someone entered the room . I quickly forced my tired eyes open , fear in them as I face the stranger , and relax when my eyes meet amber cat like eyes in the dim morning glow.

I weakly sat up and looked around the room with bleary eyes , rubbing a hand over my cheek absentmindedly and noticed that I was tucked in Valentines new small apartment room complex bed which I had been in a couple of days ago. I noticed that both Hunter and Sam were curled around each of my sides , fast asleep , cuddling an arm each to their chest closely . As I looked around the small room I couldn't see East or Harry anywhere and felt my heart clench with worry about their whereabouts .

A gentle hand placing itself on my cold cheek brought me out of my worry , and my blue eyes met cat like ones that twinkled a soft gold in the light .

" Calm down Pixie , Harry took East to quickly get some things from the shops. He will be back soon to take the three boys and us to school, that's if you're feeling well. You don't have to go , I will stay here . "

Valentine whispered quietly , his dark eyes dark and angry but I knew it was just worry from the look he was giving me . The mention if school reminded me of how much I needed to complete these next few months and then I will be able to graduate early by the end of the year since I have heaps of credits , and then I can take my three baby brothers out of here , away from mother , father and Marie .

I sit further out and untangle myself from Sam and Hunter , both of the little boys still fast asleep , Sam looking a bit pale for my liking but I couldn't do much about it , he has Chemo after school again , and my hands were tied with what else I could do as his visits to the hospital became more and more regular lately. Then I had missed my shifts four days for the diner , and knew I had another one later today after Sams chemo treatment was done for today. I stand up , wobbling slightly my stomach cramping in a painful hunger , and just as I'm about to fall large tanned hands gently grip my elbows stabilising me. I smiled weakly at Val , silently sending him a grateful look which he just nods but his lips purse into a scowl as he looks mire and more worried as I pull away from him and spot a bag full of my old clothes I left at Harry's .

" Whats the temperature today, Val? "

I ask him quietly trying not to wake up the twins as they needed their rest , Sam especially. I rifle through the multiple bah packs , one that was Val's , full of his clothes and few items , and two other bag packs alongside it. One containing East , Sam and hunters change of clothes , and another full with Harry and my own old clothes I left at the farm. I silently thanked Harry , for always being the organised and prepared one . I felt the air shift around me , the scent of leather filling my senses as i sensed a presence behind my crouched form and knew it was Valentine and gently picked through the clothes my painfully aching muscles relaxing as a familiar sense of safety returned .

" It's real warm today, Pix , so wear something light."

I heard Val whisper as he gently began pulling my hair out from a braid that I didn't know how it got there , and began brushing it with a small brush , gently untangling the knots as I found some clothes for the twins and myself to change in ,as Val was already dressed.

Just as I finished grabbing the pairs of clothes I wanted , I felt Val Finnish tying the messy but stylish high ponytail , and I stood up Val stepping back slightly his eyes admiring his work on my hair before satisfaction filled his eyes . I gently pressed my hand to his arm in thanks , trying to smile although all I wanted to do was sleep for some strange reason. As if sensing my confusion and thoughts I saw Val's expression become serious .

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