your not my mum...

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"Isabella Grace! Get down here now! we will be late!" mum yelled

"Yeah! hang on let me do my hair!" I yelled back tying my hair back.


As I walked down stairs I heard the front door slam. I walked over to the kitchen table and saw a note.


you need to hurry up. just walk to school, ill call the school and let know you will be late.

here is some money for lunch and yeah. be good and call me when you get home.

-mom x



as I walked into class, the door closed with a bang making everyone's heads shoot up.

"Why are you late!?" my teacher Mr Clanson yelled. I just shrugged and  walked to the back to sit with my best friend Abi.

"why are you late? didn't your mum drive you?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah but she called the school cause she left and didn't take me. she gave me $50 for lunch so I think, ummm Nando's?" I said wiggling my eye brows.

"YES!!" she screamed.

"Abi! is there something wrong?" Mr Clanson asked.

"Oh no I just got the answer to the question." she said quickly sitting back down.

"Okay. what is it?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Umm 69?" she said with a smirk.

"um no." he replied

"oh poo!" she said smiling.



"Lets take my car Bella" Abi suggested.

"Done!" I said jumping in the passenger side.

As we were driving, we stoped at a red light and 'Kiss You' came on.

(Yes Kiss You by One Direction.)

I rolled down my window and started screaming the lyrics. A black expensive looking car came up beside us. the windows the tinted really dark. next thing I see a flash. "OMG! THAT PERSON JUST TOOK A PICTURE OF ME ABI!!!!!!" I screamed at Abi.

"Oh maybe its Niall Horan and he is going to put it up on twitter and ask if anyone knows you, and then he finds you and you live off Nando's for the rest of your life, and your best friend will be Lou and you will be little carrot buddies together!" she said in one breath sarcastically.

"What ever. Its a green light. GO! GO! GOOOOOOO!!!!!" I yelled pretending to be a some sort of hurry.

as we got into the parking lot, I ran into Nando's and quickly ordered and slid into a booth. Abi casually walked in looking around and found me.

"Really Bella. was that necessary?"

"Yes. I want food. I'm starving!" I said pouting my lip.

after about 10 minutes of waiting, our Peri Peri chicken wraps came. "Yes I'm starving!" I yelled raising my hands.

when we got back to school, we were at 6th period. Yay. last period. "Abi. what do we have?" I asked sitting at my locker. Unfortunately I got swapped with some tall new dude who takes forever at his locker so im at the bottom locker.

"English" she said throwing me an apple popper.

"OMG YAY! APPLE!" I get up with my English book, pencil case and diary I never use and headed off to class drinking my popper. wow. the school looked empty. we walked to D12 and knocked on the door. Yes we had a substitute! "Hi I'm Bella and this is Abi." Abi told the teacher. yeah we always switch names. its awesome to see the teachers so confused.

"Okay take your seats." she said letting us in.

I sat next to my friend Sam. he was hilarious. he always gives me piggy back rides to class. one time the principle saw us, and yelled so Sam just ran to the nearest class room and we hid in the closet.

about half way through the lesson Abi fell asleep. "Bella! Wake up!" the teacher yelled.

"I am up!" I yelled. "Woops. I mean Bella!! Bella!! Get up!" I yelled shaking Abi.

"Fish are friends not food!!!!!!" Abi yelled. obviously dreaming about finding Nemo.

"Girls! Outside!" Abi and I stood up and Sam followed. he likes to think of him self as one of the girls.

"Yes?" we all said in unison flattering our eyes.

"Sam. I said girls. not girls and Sam" she said pointing to Abi and I.

"Oh Foowy!" Sam said walking inside.

"Okay. what are your girls names?" the teacher asked. Im going to call her shorty since she is short.

"Im Bella" Abi said with a surprisingly straight face.

"And I'm Abi" I said with a straight face.

"Oh what ever" she said and then the bell went.

Sam came running out with all of our stuff in his hands and he pulled both of us and said "Here! take it! go and save your selves!" while falling to the ground like a movie. oh he was a funny boy.

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